
4 Things to Reconsidering for Success

By Sivann

February 14, 2015

A Success what means to you! There are four things to reconsidering for success. Whether you are the entrepreneur, the boss, the leader, the business owner, the owner of the shop, the karaoke shop, the factory or the service department, etc. No matter what kind of profession or career you are in, just reading these 4 things to reconsidering for success and you can understand it well, it is the equivalent of you’re having completed an MBA. 


First Thing to be Reconsideration. A thing you may ignore but you should understand is,

“When it is time to sow, sow and when it is time to harvest, you will harvest. Obey this rule.” (Israelmore Ayivor)

Of course, it might be many people who intend to get the result quickly by just starting doing a thing or job. It’s just getting started how come the result immediately like magic, doesn’t it? As the same thing, when you’re trying to learn music like playing guitar, painting, languages or something else which might be your interest but it’s hard from time to time and it needs your time to effort it. However, as many as people get rid of on the way when they realize that it’s difficult and can stand in there any more. Then they start to learn another thing instead and do it as a cycle. It’s the same for the startup business, and it’s just the beginning stage of the business we cannot see any profit yet. But you highly very expected that it consequently profit immediately at the time you have invested. Sincerely, you can ask yourself that, is it a month, a quarter, a semester, a year, 3 years, 5 years, or more years? You should have a plan in mind for the break event but not too short a period of time. A slow-growing is better than permanent stopping.

It means that it’s hard to understand how people are easy to get rid of doing the thing and give it up briefly as the just found a bit obstacle on the way they do. The people who are often adapted in this give up the situation as the way they’re poor struggle or may they’re becoming a habit, I mean the failure habit. That’s why we need a vision, an outlook for a long future of our life. To someone who is always creating a habit of giving up or dare not to stand in the struggles, it’s just a say as a reminder of that, “struggle is a success, and easy to give up is a habit of the failure, the very bad failure.”

When we talk about to give up, there are two things that have been reminded in words of Napoleon Hill, “to poor people why they’re still poor, the two reasons are, one is refusing to the opportunity, and other is wait for success come overnight.” 

For the first reason, for instance, people you feed them a fish every day, and one day you tell them you will teach them how to fish but they’re refusing to learn and demand you just a fish for a day is enough and in their minds are not won’t to fish but they fear they’re not able to succeed with what you teach or not believe in that chance you give. They may think it’s not really until they can see themselves one day they can fish. They choose not to believe at the moment you say to them. For the last reason, for instance, the people you say you will teach them to fish and they agree or are okay to learn from you. Though they are intended to learn how to succeed when you have explained to them where and what stages are the success can be defined. They always think that A to Z is too much for them to do and take it a long time to succeed, so they prefer the just 0 to 1 or over a night switching from nothing to everything that the success in their mind was defined earlier than you are. It seems nothing to be patient in doing something.

That’s why, we have to learn to contribute, contribute yourself to the work, career, job or even your business. Or, I can say that, if you want to earn, you’ll learn to invest. Invest all your time, knowledge, skills, experiences, and even all you can to include as your capital, it’s not just business, but the whole investment of your life. But it’s not a day or overnight, even a short period of time, it’s long term or even the lifetime investment. You have to never, never, ever give it up until getting what is your dream of. Because people are living on their own hopes and aspirations, then if we just live for a living, life is meaningless.


Second Thing to be Reconsideration. There are three points to be reconsidered as the basic for yourself discipline as follows.


This change can occur is caused by the way of people thinking or mindset, and then connected to their behavioral patterns. The first of the very first thing is changing all your bad habits. When we talk about habit, we may think about the book of Stephen R. Covey, the 7 habits of highly effective people, but here I do not detail about the book. Instead, there are few about the main action, we can change easily, simply, and effectively for our self-discipline.

In fact, we’re born equal and the same, the difference is the way of thinking or mindset. We can start from changing the way our mind-matter about, and go through critical thinking which is the point to affect our actions or behavioral patterns we have inside. By changing the small action from day to day, we can grow a new good habit. So, what we can do easily, simply, and effectively is trying a small step day by day. This means that, takes a day to do a little thing that you think can change your way of thinking, habits, health, and life, and even more to gain your success in the future. It’s accumulating your good elements of behavioral patterns and slightly increase by the time you have been doing it as your daily activities or a part of living. Be patient, and keep doing this until the significant of change raise up. It’s as I said, easily, simply and effectively change, however still there is difficult, messy, or even ineffectively of doing this to accumulate from day 1 to day 2. 

You may ask me how long does it take to change even one action or habit. I think it may depend on yourself rather than I say how long, but there is a way to measure as I have learned and experienced previously in some articles, books, or even a person. It said, usually 21 days you will be adapted to a single change if you keep doing that the same thing, from a day to a week, and persistently keep it up to 21 days, it probably sees the effective result. Don’t believe me at the moment, let’s try your change or action right now and see how you can get from zero to one.


It’s also an easy, simple, and effective way to make an improvement for yourself by not just talking about the others’ weaknesses, or someone is like this and another one is like that. Or, compare someone or even yourself to the others, as it will be harm yourself, “Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world, if you do so, you’re insulting yourself” (Bill Gates). So that, how the other is, it’s not so important, the most important is yourself, how to change yourself, or your life better is the first thing you have to consider the most and always keep in mind how to get yourself to improve.


If you want to see how positive you are, you may see these questions. Of course, are you positive about a thing that happened to you or not? Or, how is your attitude toward the things that happened to you? Are you cursing yourself not to do it well enough? Do you blame yourself or others who cause the issue that happened that matter? If so, you may reconsider to change it, not everything occurred, every time you’re facing the problems all are worse to you. You should be positive about every single thing you’re in. Don’t be down, upset, unpleasant, or even blame on yourself at the first time the thing happened, you should push your step back and rethinking about what’s happened, and be resonated. Get rid of all those worse emotions that make you nothing and use your critical think to find the solutions. Then you will see another world that besides cursing, blaming, or even very worse to you. You will see the world full of love and happiness which leads you to better living, facing those problems and solve it one by one peacefully. Be positive in every movement of your life.

So, it’s linked to the third thing we have to change.


The third thing to be Reconsideration. It means that you’re easily affected by your emotions. And, simply there are 5 things to ask yourself whether you can be a success or not.

Have you wondered that’s why I put the first question is about your emotional control? Of course, it’s how you manage your feelings is the top priority to your living, even though in communication, work, or resolute the problem in front yourself. And, of course, when your mood is down, your health is also not really good, so it can affect your time, your money, your work, and your everything. As a result, there are 20% successful based on their IQ, and the other 80% succeeded by their EQ among those who are the successful peoples in the world. It means you don’t need a high level of IQ, smarter intelligence like successful people but if you can manage well your emotion you also the one can be a success. Because your emotional intelligence controls everything you have in yourself, your mind, feel health, attitudes, and behaviors, or even your habits. So you can learn to use your emotions to productivity such as gain more skills, ability, and power to develop yourself.

There are dos and don’ts you may use to your self-discipline preliminary. You have to acknowledge, encourage, and commend to others and even yourself. But don’t just complain, criticizing, or blaming others or even yourself on doing the things. Try to accept and change even it’s your mistake, and find a way for another move to make improvement. By doing so, it not just develop yourself but you also will become more socially connected to those around us.


The fourth thing to be a reconsideration. In fact, humans and animals are similar, all have the same initial spirit and know to protection, but one thing is very different we have is learning and thinking. When we are non stop to studying or learning, it makes us talent and empowers. By keeping in mind that, we’re zero that’s why we try to learn about this right now for improvement and development of ourselves. And don’t think that we’re the ones who know about everything, or talent in all professions.

So, the matter is who can we learn from? And, what and where to learn? It’s good questions and has a simple answer that, if we keep learning, then everything, everywhere, and everyone surrounding us, we can learn about. The real matter is, are you intent to learn or not! And, when facing the problem, challenge, or new things, do you set yourself as a level zero to start learning about the problem first or not, before starting your challenge. Or, from the bottom of your mind to make a commitment to learning about the new things. That’s the really matter that we need to make sure about.

Of course, we must learn about the positive and the good, and get rid of the bad and worse. Because when we learn something in negative or worse benefits to others or even yourself, there is no gain and make you more pain. As in today’s knowledge-rich economy, learning is the Passport for us to cross into the future, so we must strive to learn all the time. It is not easy to abandon our era.