9 Ways to Make the Time Mean to You


9 Ways to Make the Time Mean to You

By Sivann

December 21, 2019

You may have imagined that you’re waking up very early in the morning and arranging everything of the day complete well without spending much energy. To accomplish all of the tasks, we always mess with the time. Of course, a habit will change one’s life, if you dare to that your life will be changed and make things better, and it’s due to you and what you make the time mean to you.

You may want to be one of those people who need only a few hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, it’s not everyone can do it. We are not the kind of such people. Without a consistent of more hours of sleep, we usually don’t perform well. We still can try our way without the earlier getting up habit to use the time mean to us. It may need a way to greater the time and the productivity. We are constantly looking for more time, and there are 9 ways to make the time mean to you. Are you sure or do you keen to believe in me about that? If yes, let’s continue to read more as follows.

Understand the existence of time mean to you

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what the existence of time meant to you, and it will allow you to pay more attention and get recognizing the time is around. The most important to realize the existence of time is to correspond to your action there at the right time. Then it’s visually clear your time frame in which you can see and break it down early to manage each frag to make things done.

When it’s all visual to you with a certain timeline, everything you do and you can remain in charge of as much of your schedule as possible. Let’s take advantage of it to learn when are/is your most productive periods and schedule your work around them. You can drive the time in anything you like.

For instance, you can decide to do any creative work as comfortable as you prefer to find a way to reserve the space and time freely and accomplish the tasks on the schedule with the best result. Of course, you probably don’t completely control everything that will happen in your life, but that’s something you can do as above. Wherever you do, or wherever you can reclaim it, assert your independence and you are alternative your own fortunes and choices.

Keep track of your mind what makes you’re happy of doing it for sure that you like it. It’s always everyone’s mistake that gets into the thing they don’t want to do but they still try to do it with no result. Thus, before you’re getting something to do, or setting a goal for yourself and make sure it’s very meaningful to you, in short, it is what you really want it. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t like, or make sure to keep track of your mind what makes you happy about doing it.

Besides, you can decide what to do and make you happy, and it’s also important to keep close track of what you’re doing. Sometimes, the mood and it’s suddenly changing up your mind about doing things. Keep track of that and you can ensure yourself when you may lose your concentrate on that, so you will have a chance to revise yourself to put it back in the productivity mood again.

In brief, there are two things to keep in mind that everything you want to do is with a reason. Then the reason is you want to or you’re happy of doing it, and the other is to keep the reason that pushes you up of doing it consistent by understanding and tracking on the way of accomplishing those things. Thus, you can turn it back on the right track even sometimes it may poll out by some unexpected incidents.

Figure out the most productive period you has been

Of course, to figure out the most productive period you has been so important to understand your body and its process which allows you to put the right weight of the tasks at the right time to accomplish it well. We can assume that everybody differs from one to another, some people may like a night owl who adapt to study or work hard until the late-night then they have a good sleep at the next day earlier. In contrast, some people are early birds, they always get up in the early morning and arrange all schedules well for a day.

As for ourselves, which part of the day do we think is the most efficient? Do you know yourself every day? Not everyone can understand this, or you may not know how you are. But don’t worry! You can try the way I did before to expand more time to adapt to this day.

You may consider your productivity cycle of the day, from the whole day, where you feel most excited and full of energy to accomplish things. And, as I have mentioned at the beginning of this part, you also can define yourself whether you’re the early bird who gets up in the morning to start making yourself a powerful day, or at the last hours of the day to accelerate your potential at night as the owl. Or both of that, let’s define it by yourself. Then let’s apply it to your daily productivity routine.

For example, your job is 855 queue, which means every day from 8:00 in the morning to 5:00 in the afternoon, working 5 days a week. First, you can space extra time and space for yourself in accordance with your habit. You can adapt a routine to spend an hour in the earlier morning to do something you want even related to your current or not if you’re an early morning bird. Or, possible to spare out your time at the night for 2 hours before your sleep if you’re the night owl style.

Then we also divide the time frame of the whole day into two parts, one is in the morning and the other is in the afternoon. In these two phases, we also can maximize our energy to accomplish tasks 1-2 hours in the morning and another 1-2 hours in the afternoon. Thus, we can have more ways to increase our productivity at work, and it allows you to complete more things than you can expect even it’s just some percentage in result, but it’s daily in growth.

Prioritize and focus on doing what’s the most important thing first

I can understand and feel what you do, and I want to help you with that. Everyone has their list of tasks, I called it the master list or master plan. There are many things we will accomplish on a daily I know. However, there is not we have to complete every task. Learn to prioritize and focus on doing what’s the most important thing first is so aggressive.

In a day, more things can be done, but it does not mean everything has to be done within a day. Once you can filter or prioritize just the important thing from the beginning of the day then you will have more time to do another thing in the rest of the day, which is very meaningful to you.

For me, I usually prior the tasks to do less than three. And I suggest not to overload your task even you can effort it at the end of the day. Sometimes, it’s only one thing that is very important and when I accomplish it, the other things will be done or effortless. However, it’s just the suggestion that accordance with my disciplines and you can excellent it more than as you can or intend to do.

The best point is to allow you to consider yourself more to prioritize the tasks and balance it with your capacity and living. No wonder that it’s possible to make the most important tasks at the highly productive time phase so that there will be another extraordinary result you expected to be accomplished right away. I hope it will be the best fit to make the time which very means to you. Don’t wait, let’s extract it more as you want to.

Get rid of the addiction to social media

Have you had an addiction that, before having some food or a cup of coffee you always take a photo of that to post or add a social media story?

Not only at home but also at the workplace or almost everywhere you’re always on-screen with your smartphone keep your eyes on everything happened you can get from social media. And because you are stimulated with all the things that float through social media. That leads you to be further from what you’re expecting to accomplish daily and deduct your energetic productivity without awareness.

It would be great if you use social media in the right way to serve your time and life moments. You should understand and be aware of your primary purpose of using social media. You can control its time to do the right thing, which means a lot to you. Social media can do a lot of things, its value exceeds your expectations, but it is not an addiction. Let’s learn to get rid of our dependence on social media, pay more attention to the time we will use to complete important things ahead of time, and free ourselves from obsession.

Enjoy your break time

It’s not only to me, but everyone, the break time is important, and none of us can focus forever. If you don’t allow yourself a brake to slow down so that your body and mind will mutiny on you and force the slowdown.

It’s a better way to be in control of the process, and better to enjoy the downtime instead of just sitting in a slump and trying to plow through something that isn’t working. Just like we have discussed already in the points above, your max productivity and energy are limited, and as you give yourself a “most important” assignment every day, spare the break between the tasks and give yourself short breaks from one to another.

No matter it’s a long break or short, and it can release your stress and come with another generic time again within the day. You just enjoy it well, not mean to another task to switching by jumping from different types of task, it’s a simple rest and takes it easy. The fine way I do is at chitchat at the office watercooler, a small walking, have a refreshment, tea or coffee, or totally get a simple rest of mind. It’s time to enjoy every moment of the break time.

Be aware to pause and to consider what to do next

When you finish a high amount of work, you may need to rest for a certain period of time. However, after rest and relaxation, when we need to be happy for another round of work, and at that time, before starting you should also be aware yourself to pause and to consider what to do next. There are many people who ignore it and cause themselves to be driven by the inertia of work.

Our life is started every day according to a certain procedure, such as getting up in the morning, dressing, washing face, and brushing teeth to go to work, these are all life stacks; after going to the company, we are led by a series of work queues, things are one after another. we feel very busy after a day.

In fact, when we’re looking back to those things, it seems that we have missed the important things that we have always wanted to do, such as maintaining relationships with friends, spending more time with family or special one, exercising skills that can help you in the long term, learning new knowledge in a certain field. These things are not too urgent but very important things, only by continuing to do these things can life continue to change.

In short, most of the time we are doing habitual movements unconsciously, so how to pause and get out of the automatic mode is very important. Once you have completed a new task, don’t go to the next task right away. Stop and pause yourself a free space to drink a glass of water, take a break, take a step back and think about it, then choose the next thing consciously. This usually saves more time and it is the first point to achieve efficient time management and find the pause point to consider, thus, well prepared is a good success for the next quest.

Get to know your concentration

Get to know your concentration, and it’s important to understand your attention. Why do you understand your attention? We usually think that the inability to concentrate for a long time is a defect. As long as we are distracted, we will habitually blame ourselves, right?

This is a self-protection mechanism, so the first thing you need to understand is not to complain about yourself when you are distracted because this is normality. Then you might say, I have to stay focused to finish the work, and my thoughts are flying around and I can’t just say a word of normal and it’s over.

Don’t worry, there are two ways to deal with distractions I suggested. One is to let yourself take the initiative to distract, that is, you focus for a while, about 20 minutes, consciously do other things for a while to change your mind. For example, getting up and walking, looking at the scenery outside the window, tidying up the desktop, or listening to children’s songs, these tasks do not require much thinking.

It’s best not to do things that require working memory, such as reading news, replying to emails, composing PPT, etc. If you do these things, then it’s not called a change of mind. It’s still working, but it’s just a multi-task switch to do it. Work efficiency will not increase, but it will make it more difficult for you to get in the state of work just now. So pick a few simple things and do them at work, which will make you more endurance at work.

The other is to be aware of the attention, which is to let your thoughts fly around, not to control it, and not to try to pull it back. It is more awareness, knowing where you are thinking, and then consciously finding thoughts related to what you are doing. For example, if you are reading a book, your thoughts drift out after reading it for a while, and mixed thoughts began to appear in your head. At this time, you should pay attention to these thoughts. It is very likely that one of the thoughts is relevant, and it is related to the work problem at hand. This idea may be the source of your creativity to solve this problem.

Coping with procrastination

Once the procrastinate comes, you have two ways to face it. Once you accept it, the other you give it up. I mean something or a task you have to accomplish, no matter how you accomplish it. Moreover, something unimportant or unnecessary does not mean that you will even work hard to complete it.

In fact, coping with procrastination is the same as something you can imagine. For instance, a messy room has been placed for a long time, and one day you decide to prepare and clean it, no matter how dirty or messy it is, it will do well even within three hours as long as you are determined. In contrast, if you plan to delay the project that can be completed in one week to one month, you may still not be able to complete it after three months.

Of course, if you really get procrastination, you can change it all at once by not just thinking like this. It’s just my suggestion that you should change your way of thinking, the change of your view or mindset, and gradually form a good habit that you can’t get rid of. It’s great to help to get rid of procrastination. In this way, here is just how to deal with procrastination simply and make the time and energy you spend every day beneficial and give you value.