
A Brief Guide to Discover the ‘Real’ YOU

By Sivann

November 28, 2018

“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.”(Abraham Lincoln)

Of course, everyone cares about Life, and especially we’re prepared to live a life of building full of happy, satisfying, and successful stories. It’s a perception of human thinking which is about “satisfaction” means to one’s life, and the source of that fulfillment and happiness are from different things. Then it might like “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” However, we have to consider ourselves for the life of fulfillment and happiness, rather than follow other people think. Thus, “you don’t have to live your life the way other people expect.”

That’s why it’s important to take an effective approach to discover yourself, the ‘real’ YOU. So you’re ready for everything means to you and your life, such as managing your life plan, goal setting, career development, and personal development as well. And, here is a brief guide to discover the ‘real’ YOU, that I have involved in to improve all legends of my real life.

Before starting discovering yourself, you have to know that the other people surrounding you are also the factors to help you to reflect yourself more correctly and deeply means about the ‘real’ YOU.

There are several ways to start talking about yourself such as your dream,  people you admired, your strength and weakness, and so forth. So now in this article, I will show you how to put all these things altogether to your mind and analyze to discovering the ‘real’ YOU.

First, let’s talk about your dream.

I can say, everyone has a dream. Then the dream has come from our mind, heart, brain, or I mean the dream can reflect about you, the ‘real’ YOU that might be sometimes you may not understand about yourself too. So that catching up your dream is so important and means to you. It does not just make you understand yourself more clearly, but it also gives you direction to your future. Furthermore, it will give you a strong enough commitment and always be on your mind motivation to every obstacle you face and struggle to be a success in the future or may your whole life.

Because there is about your need and want that means to you and for your life, and you may understand it carefully by yourself. Most people may not believe that the dream can be upheld as their effort in daily life and can create path to their bright future as of building their fulfillment and happiness to a successful life.

They may dream about many things to make many directions for their life, and when they’re getting up they will accomplish each dream one by one with the commitment during the dream at night. However, every morning when they get up those things in the dream was finished and people still enjoy their hard work, the dream was just a dream which not their reality. I am also used to struggle in this kind of perception and trying myself further to make a reality of life.

Therefore, to make up your reality, not just a night dream that will be immediately disappeared in the morning when you get up is to list down all your dream as much as possible to the paper or in your computer note or word processing program or some else in your computer program that can be saved and retrieved to review easily. Once you write it down which means the possibility of your reality also highly visible. For how to define and filter your dreams to make them more realistic, I won’t detail in this article but you may find another article related to this dream, such as in the 2020 Life Plan Guide, or My Dream and the Wishes Checklist

After obtaining your dream(s) in your mind, you may be looking for your idol or the admired people who impact or influence your thinking, activities, ideal, or your dream as well, or may not.  

Second, the people you’re admired

He or she, you may like and would like to be in the future and feel very great about being such as a person. He or she may be your ideal leader, or they’re the people surrounding you and you may meet them every day but they have something more special than you as recognition as a remarkable person to your life, and they make an extremely different that you would love to become like them.

So now you have your ideal leaders or admired people in your mind, then let’s start to describe one or two ideal leaders you like most of the people mean to you as their remarkable things or stories may make you differentiate. To follow what they have done as a great example to you, you may find or explore the best ‘real’ YOU in their activities or rolling models you have to change yourself to be the way they do or what you’re and you want.

About yourself, the ‘real’ YOU, the most important of understanding clearly who are you and what you really want.

Yourself and other people reflections

Thus, there are also many ways of reflecting yourself, the ‘real’ YOU. As I have mentioned earlier, the other people surrounding you also rolling as your reflection to yourself. So, dare not to contact them for your feedback at anytime you want, they’re the best choice besides yourself.

You may use alternative methods to contacting your people for the reflections if they’re not available to you face to face. Use your email, texting, messaging via any social media that quite easy and quicker to you. Or you may have time just give him or her a phone call. You may find this way also the good means to maintain your relationships with them.

At the moment, it’s about the sources of the information you can collect more accurately besides just your thinking or perception, but other people also the main factor to take part in.

Now, let’s discuss about the technical tools we can apply

There are two technical tools in business have adapted to apply to discover the ‘real’ YOU, who you are and what you want. The SWOT and PEST Analysis, or in this context we can say that the personal SWOT analysis and personal PEST analysis. Once we use it to apply in our personal situations, it means you can understand well the position you’re currently staying in and identify the direction where you’re going to go in the future.

In the business, you may know how SWOT Analysis to uncover the strength and weaknesses of an organization’s internal factors and upholding to identify the opportunities and threats as well that may the company faces. And PEST is an abbreviation of the Politic, Economic, Social-cultural, and Technology which are the macro environment that may make a direct influence on the organization or company externally such as the opportunities and threats. Meanwhile, the personal analysis of SWOT and PEST which are also conducting from our internal factors to external and see how impact of the macro environments will invoice in the influence of our personal area such as living, and especially the career, but it’s how you can analyse to find your current situation of yourself or position and the trend of yourself to show how you become your life in next five or ten years as well to plan your future. 

Taken altogether of SWOT and PEST to figure out the opportunities and you need to explore the best of these opportunities in more detail and identify the most ones you have to pay attention to and stay very focus on. To do that, you have to list down all opportunities and threats in each of the PEST areas, and you make sure that the way forward you have chosen for the presents of you is the best opportunity and has the smallest obstacles to overcome. For more specific about the discussion of SWOT and PEST analysis for your personal needs of development in any area of your life, you may find another related article on this website to help you more understand and be able to do the analysis better. 

After figuring out all factors that mean the most to you especially the opportunities you grabbed from the analysis of your current situation, and of course, they are included what the other people and the environments surrounding provided you a room to discover the ‘real’ YOU. Now, it’s time to create yourself development action plan even just for your life goals, personal development, and your career path. In brief, the ‘real’ YOU make you be ready for everything in your life, and there is a bridge that helps you to reach every goal you want to.

A Brief Guide to Discover the ‘Real’ YOU

For all the explanations above, it might be a bit complex or more effort to work on. However, it’s really needed your huge effort to complete the ‘real’ YOU exploration. Even though it’s hard I still concluded them to you as brief as the following steps concisely.

  1. Based on the image of an ideal leader you admired the most, and you’re really following. (describe and point out his or her strengths)
  2. Self-evaluation to find out your strengths and weaknesses (Using SWOT/PEST to help, or may not if you can point out yourself better)
  3. Put altogether about your self-evaluation and the other people’s view on you to conclude about yourself.
  4. Based on all points above 3 steps to figure out who you are and what you want (Your current situation and position).
  5. Finally, make a regular three-month reform plan for yourself, for self-improvement and to plan for development in any area of your life, step by step routinely.

To do with these brief steps, you may have a routine schedule to check up yourself about that every three months to regulating yourself with the personal action plan. In brief, It will be a cycle of action to find yourself, the points you have to improve, make the improvement action plan, check it routinely, and then figuring and make another action plan again and again until you’ve become the real superhero of your life, I mean just a ‘real’ YOU. 

To extend to your life plan, you also see in another article that I have enclosed the downable document for free on how to create your life plan: 2020 Life Plan Guide – What Your Year 2020 Will Be Like.