
Coping with Perfectionism: No One is Perfect

By Sivann

November 22, 2018

No one is perfect, please don’t give too much demand on yourself to the highest level achievement.

No one is perfect, please don’t give too much demand on yourself to the highest level achievement. It’s a way how you’re coping with perfectionism. Simply speaking, everyone when you encourage yourself to accomplish a thing that you think it’s important to you, you might always talk to yourself that, “I can do it.” Or, increasing a bit more tension that, “I will succeed it.” And, increasing to a bit high level that, “I will accomplish it perfectly or make it a perfect result.” Toward a simple people who not a perfectionist, it’s okay to set the highest requirement on our achievement. 

However, the perfectionism they always pursue the highest one, what even the highest goals they have set where ever the perfect result is at. What if they’re not achieving this, how is going on and what will be happened in case of that. There is a thing we can avoid to be perfectionism. There is a thing we have to think that how the normal level students above they can do, even their results further bellow all their expectations or goals set. This is the point that perfectionism contrasting to others. Everything is perfect for them, there is no lack of point they will be, now or even in the future. It’s good to be perfect, but it’s better to lower the perfection demand, and it’s perfect if we can adapt ourselves to flex with all kinds of results and just proud of what we have done is okay.

Your Effort and Hard Work Never Die

For example, setting an A+ level for your score of the semester, at least you can get the B or C+ after your semester exams. This is what we always did for our expectations when we’re studying, I strongly believe that most of the students who are not really good enough, and I always do this kind of motivation. In contrasting to restrict your perfectionism, why don’t try like the normal students I have mentioned previously about their expectation or goal. It’s not the perfect A+ is very excellent to show about yourself, and B or C it’s also a good result. Or, even you can pass the exam it is better than it’s not. It means at least you have done it well enough, even no A+ your day is still going on, and your effort and hard work never die. 

Actually, you have got A+ every time or most of the time already, how about this time it becomes a B or C. It may be your first time facing that down situation. If you’re those students who accepted the B or C, or even low for many, then you will surprisingly say, “so what!”, how what’s just getting a bit lower. It’s not 100% but 99% is still good for you! And, you should remember that, there is no one is perfect, please don’t give too much demand on yourself to the highest level achievement.

Another Example Persona

To the perfectionism adopted people, it needs time to be recovered in the case they think they would love to change their mind. If they keep doing this, the effects may like what I have described in the previous article, Get Started to Know Your ‘Cherry Monsters’ in Life, which is one monster in your mind. It may ruin your energy, reduce your resources, and limit your time. You will never uncover your potential inside to be what you want to be and realize your dreams.

For example, (CM2) a persona I have described in the previous article about perfectionism. What if she levels down some of her 100% perfectionism requirement to 80% or 90% to herself or even her team, the result will be different. A task usually can be completed within a day, but with her 100% perfection may need four days to accomplish. Because of her perfectionism, she worked hard to be excellent at every task or a project, and because of the perfectionism, she required her team or even herself. However, perfectionism made her pursuing the greatness that never ends to consume all her energy, resources, time, and people around her.

Besides Perfection Time and Resources Also Important

Actually, the quality of work is everything we have to or our obligation to do it well, but it’s not a kind of very perfect like this. To her boss or even her customers, they may prefer the perfection of her work. However, their perfect results are not the same as what she was supposed to achieve. Besides the quality, work speed and budget also the key elements to her boss and of course her customers’ needs. She may spend more time considering these elements in order to balance her work and the team’s need to succeed in the goals altogether with them. If you’re her boss the one day and four days result in productivity, which one you want? And, the customers also consider about that result, but NOT HER PROCESS TO MEET THE PERFECTIONISM of the achievement. To herself and the team, it’s also an important thing to help them reduce their stress or pressure at work, especially with this kind of perfectionism requirement. They may feel relax and take it easy in their current working environment.

Of course, no one is perfect, please don’t give too much demand on yourself to the highest level achievement. It’s the best way to cope with your perfectionism mind. It might be easy, simple, and effective to the way you grow and to defeat this obstacle to your goals and realize your dreams. As in the example of a persona (CM2), I have raised recently, please keep in mind that, this time you’re pursuing the speed and productive results but not one of the perfectionism. Let’s try to complete the task within a day as usual as it’s been by not waste your time anymore with unnecessary perfection. In fact, let’s try it 4 or 5 times persistently, and compare your results of four days hard work to a day accomplishment, how does it effective and efficiency without the perfectionism. You may find it even no A+ your day is still going on, and your effort and hard work never die.

Last but not Least

So, you may have ever been in those situations or met someone familiar to her I think, and now you have known and understood about one of the cherry monsters in your mind. In this article, it’s also taught you about how to cope with this monster, and you can defeat the monster in your life, don’t yours? Yes, of course, you can do it. and Just remember that again, no one is perfect in the world and everyone will make a mistake so don’t try yourself to be too perfect. In addition to my article, I would love to recommend two books for further reading about how to cope with perfectionism as follows.