
Four Simple Ways to Say No to

By Sivann

December 30, 2018

There are four simple ways completely to help you to say no to successfully. You may read through the main article to the other relevant explanations from one to other articles about ’say no to’ in my blog. And, you have understood some detail about ’say no to’ and here is another solution to you if you’re getting trouble with hard to ‘say no to’. The four simple ways to say no to others as a rejection of doing what is not in their work scope or irrelevant tasks, it will help you to get rid of this kind of headache thing in your day and keep going on what your will is about. 

Say No to’ It’s also a Living Trick 

Of course, say no to we also have to use some techniques in order to cope with the problem that might be happened, and we can call it a living trick. Because it’s happened and we have to cope with it in our daily living. Especially, people who have addicted themselves to dare not to say no to others. However, it’s not so easy as we said it out. 

Before we talk about this technique or trick, we have to understand what is our purpose of ’say no to’, and keep it in mind that it is a kind of rejection. It may be for people who have to recover their habit too hard to say no to others in practice, and until they change themselves for improvement. It still can use wider to other people who are not addicted but they can refuse to do something from the request they wouldn’t do by the way too.

Actually, when we response ’say no to’ is in order to make the requesters understand our situation or feeling awkward of doing this request. Then they can stand on our viewpoint to confirm that we are really not able to help them to do what they have asked for. So they understand our difficulties in such responding to the request, but not we don’t want to help them with this. It means to show them we want to do too but it’s really out of our response or scope of work. In contrast, it would make people a deep-seated feeling if we try to reject it too euphemistic or say something really stark or behave a stiff attitude to refuse the request. It may cause another affected or worsen result then we cannot really reach the ’say no to’ purpose. Obviously, it’s the real objective of our ’say no to’ for this technique or trick.

Follow the objective of the technique or trick you can go through the four simple ways to say no to do the request of what is not in our work scope or irrelevant tasks, and give us more enough time to accomplish our goals as below.

State Out the ’No’ Clearer

Of course, when we want to reject not to do something or we really don’t want to do it at all, we must respond to the requester or stakeholder who involves in this proposing quicker and concise to state out the word ’NO’ clearly. So people will know and understand our message at the time clearly we don’t want to do it. Because when we hesitate to say it out clearer, or by another indirect word or too euphemistic to the people, they may not understand well and think that we can help with the request. For instance, they will go back and eliminate this idea to us or find another instead if we clearly state the word ’No’ in our word. In contrast, our word is still obtaining the meaning, not about ’No’ they will think that there is hope and this hope might cause the continue to follow up. Sometimes, it caused another confusion and the final result is not like they what have expected we may be offended. It’s the same as we’re lying them. So let’s make a concise and clear statement of your rejection to say in a real and direct meaning the word ’No’ to the opposite side. 

Just Containing the Word ’No’ is not Enough

From the first way above, you try to state out clear about our purpose to the request by making sure the meaning of rejection with the word ’No’. However, just containing the word ’No’ is not enough to express and get compassion from our opposite side. We have to use sorry tone in the expression to calm down the other’s mood. To show that, we are really sorry about this, and may they accept and give us about that. It is important the say like that in order to get the affirmation from the other side for what we want to help but it’s out of our possibility or in some situations we are really facing difficulties to accomplish it for them. In addition to the clear ’No’ in word, we have to tone our regret or sorry to make it more acceptable from the requester. The main purpose of doing this, we have to maintain our relationship and opposite side mood, don’t let the rejection break up our relation or make them bad mood or feeling bad to us. In this tone, you may read the article, learn to say ‘no’ in a polite way. There are more expressions and statements regarding ‘say no to’. 

Be a Good Listener

It’s good to say clearer ’No’ in word, but we cannot do it so immediately as per the request is just beginning. Before knowing or understanding the other side request detail, we cannot reject it so quickly as it not yet begin. We have to listen to our opposite side first, and what is the story behind. It’s not bad if you’re a good listener and understands everything from the other side. Once we are clear and make sure about everything is, it’s easy for us to have a reasonable persuasion to say no to them. Or, maybe they really need our help. So don’t forget the main objective of our ’say no to’, it may apply all situations to rejection, but it still the main purpose of coping or changing our bad habit, ‘dare not to say no to’. We just get rid of irrelevant or unless tasks. However, we still need the collaboration at the workplace, at least in working as a team. After full listening, we can judge what we should do or shouldn’t. If the result is not, it also shows to our opposite side that we really listen to you and your reason for your request at the moment. We don’t means don’t want but we’re really not a possibility to help. 

With a Reasonable Persuasion 

Of course, it’s not only the request that needs a persuadable course but it’s also the rejection that needs a reasonable persuasion. Especially, when we reject other’s requests, it’s just the word ’No’ and with a soft tone for understanding, acceptance is still not enough to get rid of this headache thing. Here, the reasonable persuasion is work. However, please make sure that your reason is persuadable not an excuse. Because the reason is really about our hardship to do what they ask for, and it’s really out of our possibility so that causes this helpless situation.

Through these four simple ways to say no to, I think it enough to help you to make a challenge of changing your say no to hardship. It’s just a trick or technique to help you more energetic and be able to step out of the habit. Because you have a trick to help you achieve it.

Throughout all relevant articles which is about a way how to cope with your ‘cherry monsters’ in mind. They are obstacles in the way you’re growing. To defeat all these monsters in your life and you can grow faster to realize your dream and achieve your goals. And, yes here it is one among others you have to defeat. In order to help you understand more please go to our main article again and find another of the rest monsters you would like to defeat.