Subtle things passing in our daily movement, yet it is shown something considerable significant. It might be ignored those small things in life, but it useful to define & refine the essence of philosophy or disciplines for myself.
- a good management makes a team strong, a great leadership makes the team grow.
- a good idea, a better action, and the best success.
- If you never do it, you won’t ever know how much it is possible.
- Do not try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. Take it easy and make yourself stressless.
- LOVE, is a kind of persistent and a kind of belief, to change your LIFE. So, please try to care and love more people around you.
- Once you adhere to your passion and strong commitment, you will never, never, ever give it up.
- The most effort, the most luckier I am.
- Adhere to your ideal, firmly believe your future, strongly determine your action, and passionately realize your dream.
- No matter how wonderful your idea is, if you cannot make it happens, it is still a dream not your reality.
- Be your superhero, defeat all ‘little monsters’ on a road to your dream, be your life.
- You cannot control your birth, but you can write your own life. Your story your life.
- Don’t keep doing the same thing over and over to expect the results, success often comes through extremely differentiate of making changes.
- Happiness, it is not getting all what you want. Yet, it is enjoying all what you have.
- A man enriched a man indeed.
- A need of self-enrichment in a practical life, concentrate on (positively), and get work done. (踏实做人,充实自我,专心于是,万事皆成。)