
Third Quarter, A Month of Starting up Many Plans

By Chamnoul

May 03, 2017

Third Squarter, A Month of Starting up Many Plans, you will start up many plans in this month. What is the decision planning of giving birth? Where is comfortable for you. What material you should buy for your baby? It should be say closet, hammock for your baby, closes, and other so many. List it and start to buy from now on. You are now so exiting to wait your baby comes out in the next 60 days, don’t you.

In this month, I feel I am started forgetting. What happened on me? I don’t know either. Sometimes I take 2 times for dinner, it is not because I am hungry, but I forget I am already eaten. Do you believe me? So, I asked my husband a lot and asked again and again to remind me. This is not happen to all pregnancy women, but I get it.

You get annoy with people around you. They said you can’t eat durian; you can’t eat chocolate and many sweet things in this period. You feel you so sad. You will cry some times. You feel terrible when you open the closet. You completely can’t find the cloths fit to you. You have nothing to wear. You do shopping full morning but you can buy nothing for you because the dresses you love are not fit to your body. You will consider should you buy a new dress? Oh, no you have only 30 day left to wear it. Ok, the last decision is not buying. Only baby’s material you can buy. This is funny but true.

Anyway, I got the priority from everyone even the people I don’t know. I felt as I am a queen. Everyone do respect and give the priority to the pregnancy women. When buying something, I will get it first, even though I didn’t not comes first. The smoking person will not come close to me, and everywhere I go everyone always give me the priority. This is what pregnancy women get.

What are you waiting for? You are waiting the cutes little life comes out. You will feel like yesterday with the previous months. Are you ready for giving birth? Are you ready everything for your baby? This is so exciting period to countdown for a new life comes out. It is start from ten day to 1 day next. I gain the weight 14kg. The doctor said I am looks small, this will hard to give birth by natural, but let try first. My kg before pregnant is 43kg, I got 57kg while I am pregnant, and my baby is 3.8kg in ultrasound. Yes, I am worry. I worry I can’t do it. But, I will try first.

On the maternity bed, the doctor and nurse will tell you what you should do. Lay on the bed, I still think that Am I dreaming? Will I become mother after leave this room? I can’t believe this. I can’t explain my feeling right now. I feel that I am starting hurt. Yes, outside is hurt. It is really hurt to give the birth by natural, but I do love it. My husband stands next to me, and hold my hand. He said everything will be ok. He talked lots but I couldn’t remember what he talking about. The midwife said “1, 2, and 3 let’s mommy try…” we do like this few times, and then the little sound comes out “nga nga”. Wonderful! I did it. The midwife put my baby on my breath and said “congratulation, mommy”. I can see the small eye look at me, open and close, open and close. I love his little nose and mouth, so cute. He has white skin with 3.51Kg. Oh my God, I still don’t believe that I can give birth to this little boy. He is so cute.

This is a memorial that I can’t forget. Many things happen in this period. Red bleeding, dizzy, vomit, sleepless, gain weight, dark skin, baby kicking, crying and sad with no reason, I can’t control my anger and so many. This is what I had in my first time pregnancy. This magical is in my memory forever and I am actually can’t describe well how my feeling is. But, if you are in this situation you will know what my feeling is.

During pregnancy, women are weak in both physical and emotional. She really need supporting, encouragement, especially from her husband and her family. Most of people didn’t understand what the crazy feeling happened on her, even herself she didn’t know either. But this is natural.