
Understand the Path to Direction

By Sivann

August 19, 2021

Understand the path to direction is important to you to define your life and plan your career for growth. Of course, if you are still uncertain about the direction of your life, you can explore and help yourself anchor your goals from the perspectives described about the 4 types of people who are living without direction, as a dreamer, the dabblers, and clear purpose of life in this article as follows.

The People who Completely Live without Direction

Let’s see the first case that we definitely have seen few or more people would be like the rudderless to the direction around us during the schooling. A student or may he’s one of your classmates. He is not interested in anything taught in the school, but he does not plan to drop out, because he thinks there is no better choice outside the school. His courses in college are “very mixed”, which makes him very happy. He doesn’t care what course he chooses, he can learn anything. He is satisfied with his current situation and is not anxious about the future. He felt that the “direction” or goal was no big deal. You may know a few such people. Even at certain stages in our lives where we don’t need to bear any responsibility, we may have thoughts like him at that time.

This phenomenon may increase, and young people are dissatisfied with long-term goals. They have entered adulthood, and some of them have completed university studies, but they have not made plans to enter society, which lacks the direction of life. They do not have a clear direction in their studies and career, so they can make good use of this time to explore their talents and interests. Of course, there are indeed a small number of young people who are seriously thinking about the future path, but the vast majority of alienated people just live aimlessly, living a day, counting a day, and they don’t make any effort to explore the direction of life. This way of life may make them feel pleasing and relaxed in the short term, but in the long term, if they continue to refuse to bear the responsibilities of family and career, the ensuing sense of emptiness will become more and more unbearable. Exhaust their energy. I believe that the most important thing for them is to realize the danger of their own state early and realize that a sense of direction is indispensable to a happy life.

A Dreamer Who Live in Uncertain Dream Journey.

Next, there was a junior in the college, her academic performance very well. Her favorites are movies and dramas. There have been several occasions when she played the leading role in the school’s drama performances. She dreams of using movies to bring some positive changes to the world, such as making a documentary that reflects the plight of women and arouses people’s attention.

It sounds like her life status seems very positive and healthy. Her sense of purpose is indeed stronger than that of the former. After all, she seems to know that film and drama are her future direction of development. However, she has fallen into a common misunderstanding on the way to explore the goal. Many of us will ignore this misunderstanding. This is because she confuses consumers and practitioners. It’s like you like to listen to music and say that you want to be a musician; you eat a good dish and you say that you want to open a restaurant. Of course, this interest as a consumer may support a person to understand a business, and then become a true practitioner. There are many successful examples of this. However, there is still a long way to go between the consumer’s interest in the product and the practitioner’s enthusiasm for the cause.

For example, people who like her very like movies, but studied English language and literature in university. This major has something to do with her interests, but it is not enough to provide her with the full set of skills necessary to enter the film industry. She did make some attempts herself, such as participating in student drama performances and cutting videos in her spare time, but she did not understand how fierce the competition in the film industry was, nor did she understand that to cross the entry barriers of this industry, she What professional training still needs to be received. She also did not take any action to understand the necessary information.

The careers most dreamed of by such utopians are entertainment stars, sports stars, financial executives, astronauts, and poets. Utopians obviously have some romantic imaginations about these professions, but very few of them are prepared for this long, tortuous, and uncertain dream journey. From this point of view, what utopians need most is the forging of reality, which can help them connect utopia with reality.

The Dabblers who Pursue Strings of Disconnected Interests with No Real Commitment

This type of people who have a stronger sense of purpose than the first one, “the dabblers.” Compared with the dreamers, those who taste nothing have a clearer understanding of the goal, but they only realize what superficial benefits they can get from the goal. As for what this goal means to the wider world, they don’t understand.

For example, there is a 17-year-old boy who is still in high school. He has a clear and long-term plan for the future. After graduating from high school, he wanted to join the army, and after he was discharged, he would work in the government department. Why join the army? He said that joining the army can bring honor. Moreover, in a country like the United States, government departments will absorb many veterans, and the work of the government is very stable. It seems that he is very clear about the rewards his goals can bring to him, and, unlike the dreamers, he also knows what efforts and support he needs to make in order to achieve his goals. He knew that after joining the army, he needed to learn computer-related knowledge, and he also knew that he needed the help of many people. Robert is already working hard for his goal. He studied hard and got the grades required for graduation and enlistment.

The biggest difference between the dabblers and dreamers, the dabblers, they have already moved towards their goals in practice. Why is such a person still called a “dabbler”? This is because they don’t understand what their goals mean to the world. What attracts him the most for his career as a soldier is the perks and vanity. When asked what the military means to society, he can only vaguely say that the people need to be protected. He has not yet started his military service and has no real sense of how soldiers protect the people. Moreover, in his mind, this sublime but abstract meaning obviously ranks behind actual interests.

Why are goals important to the world? Dimon made an example in the book. He said, if a person falls into the water, the best way to avoid sinking is to swim in a fixed direction. Because only in a movement with a clear direction, one can remain calm and finally reach the shore.

In this example, the desire of a person who falls into the water to survive is like a person’s sense of purpose. The alienated have no sense of purpose, they will simply give up the struggle and let themselves sink. dabblers have a vague sense of purpose. They want to struggle, but they can’t find a reasonable way to exert their strength. A taster like him has found a certain way of exerting strength that can solve the actual problem in front of him. They floated calmly in the water, as if they knew exactly what they wanted. But their eyes are always confined to themselves, confined to their immediate interests. They haven’t raised their heads and looked to the shore, and haven’t anchored their goals to the wider world outside of them. Because of this, they have not been able to move steadily in a clear direction.

If he doesn’t understand the significance of the career of a soldier to the world, then he will not be able to carry out the true mission of a professional soldier. If he just wants to gain personal gain and obtain honor and a stable life by enlisting in the army, how can he willingly risk his life to perform tasks in order to protect the people? The short-term benefits are seen by those who have just tasted the goal often do not meet the real expectations of the world for this goal. Short-sightedness is the biggest obstacle to the pursuit of goals for those who are short-sighted.

The People who Really Live with a Sense of Purpose

Let’s take a look at the fourth category of people, those who the clear goals or direction. There was a boy 12 years old. When he was 6 years old, he heard in class that children in some parts of Africa were dying because they could not get clean drinking water. He made up his mind to build wells for these children. And there was a story of him.

The way he thought of at first was to clean at home and save up the pocket money rewarded by his parents. Four months later, he saved 70 dollars. At this time he heard that 70 dollars were only enough to buy a hand pump on a well and that it would cost 2,000 dollars to build a water well. The money he saved was far from it. He had to do the housework harder. But when he saved up to $100, he realized that saving in this way was too slow. He changed his mind. He started to raise funds from people around him by giving speeches, and he also asked some charity organizations for financial support. In this way, he finally saved enough US$2,000 to lay the first well in Uganda.

All people have their own unique callings, reflecting the three characteristics of themselves and the world: their own abilities; the world’s need for the services they can provide; they are in the process of serving society in their own way The pleasure you experience in. And the boy, his experience just met these three conditions.

The boy’s pursuit of life goals began with a question he was really concerned about, which connected him to the world outside of himself. When he heard about the difficult water conditions of African children, he realized that something went wrong and needed to be resolved. In other words, he discovered that there is a real and urgent need in this world. What can he do to meet this need? The most straightforward solution is to build a well. In the beginning, his own capabilities were not enough to support this solution. At this time, his family and society played a key supporting role. His family helped him set up a foundation, and charity organizations and the public who donated to the foundation helped him fulfill his original wish and lay the first well. This first well changed his life from now on. He came to Uganda for the first time when he was 9 years old and saw his first results. With clean drinking water, local residents celebrated with singing and dancing. This made him deeply appreciate the pleasure of serving others. He intuitively felt the significance of his work to the world.

Understanding The Path to Direction is Very Important

Coming back to our question at the beginning, how can we find a clear and long-term goal or direction? We can find the answer in the story of the little boy. There are two most critical moments of revelation in his story. At the first revelatory moment, he discovered that there are some important things in the world that can be corrected or improved. At the second revelatory moment, he realized that he could make some contributions to this and change the situation. These two enlightening moments are the key points for a person to find a clear, long-term goal, or direction. In conclusion, if you want to help young people build a strong sense of purpose, these two inspirational moments are also the best starting points for family, school, and society. Specifically, they should do two things: first, help young people find the real problems they care about; second, provide a reliable support system.