
5 Best Tools to Help Develop Digital Marketing

By Sivann

April 17, 2020

There are dozen of online tools that are free and available to help grow digital marketing. I use them most of the time, and they’re all free. Today, I will share the five best tools to help develop digital marketing.

Similar Web

The first tool is You need to go ahead and type in a competitor or website with a similar audience to the one you want to attract and type it in. And if you’re going to get a digital marketing strategy for any business in about five minutes, this also is the fit one to use.

And Similar Web will create a significant marketing report here, showing you the scenes look at how they get website visitors. So I’ve typed in our brothers here, which is just an e-commerce site that sells men’s bracelets. We can see straight away how much traffic they’re getting per month. What are the countries where the traffic is coming from? What are the different marketing channels they are focusing on?

Even the websites that are sending them traffic, whatever, even the phrases and words that people are typing into the search engine bringing them to their site, and even what are some of the terms they’re advertising around? So with this information, you can figure out what the social media channel they’re focusing on is?

I could create content around these terms as well from my site. And it’s just an incredible look behind the scenes at any business and how they market it. Now, you’re not able to get this information. But with similar web, you can see how they deal with their business, see what’s successful for them, and you can take and apply those strategies for yourself. You can do it for three or four other competitors, and you can get a detailed picture of what marketing channels they’re focusing on, even go into, say, their Facebook, and see what posts they’re making.

You don’t have to do a lot of guesswork, guys. All of the proven strategies explicitly tailored to your business are out there. So check it out on Similar Web. You can use it for your own business to get a digital marketing strategy for any client that you come across. And also, you can research the companies they are interviewing for and show them in a lot of detail.

Google Trends

I know how you guys market your business, and I can help improve A, B, C, and D. So that’s the first tool, similar web, really a vital tool for any digital marketer. The second tool is Google Trends, which is a handy tool. Once again, if you want to find sizzling hot topic ideas for blog posts or YouTube videos, then there’s no better tool than Google Trends.

Google Trends shows you what people around the world are searching for. So now I use it if I’m thinking of creating a, say, video or blog post around something like WordPress. I’ll come in and type that into Google Trends, come down, and change this filter to the last 30 days. You can change the country as well if you want to. And really, what I’m looking for here are these breakout terms. I can see that WordPress 5.0 is up 110 percent over the last 30 days and WordPress 5.0 is a breakout. Maybe it’s way above, even one hundred and fifty percent.

Thus, as a marketer, what does that tell me? Well, it’s telling me that over the last 30 days, there has been an explosion in interest, people typing into Google, WordPress 5.0. Suppose I could create a YouTube video or a blog post explaining what WordPress 5.0 is, its features, benefits, release dates, etc. In that case, I’m going to quickly get to the top of the search results or the top YouTube video because if it’s in the last 30 days, you can be guaranteed that not many other people have created content on this topic. And Google Trends, and I’m looking at these breakout terms, solves a critical problem.

Every company is made up. If you’re a new business, how do you get found when many big topics are saturated? You know something about Facebook ads, say a blog post. If you were a new company, how would you want to look at these breakout terms that get you to the top of the search results or get a massive amount of shares, there is incredible interest in these new breakout terms, and that is the second to Google Trends. You can use it again for your own business, for any client’s business, or come into an interview with some incredible ideas about content they could make.


The third tool is, and if you want to save money on stock photos and expensive graphic design software like Photoshop, you can use

As a digital marketer, it’s essential that you make, you know, images for your Facebook ads, blog posts, and YouTube tutorials. You want to do that yourself quickly to make changes and adjustments. With Canva, it allows you that they have all these templates. For example, a Facebook post that you can use, you can drag and drop there.

And really, some basic graphic design skills are essential as a digital marketer. You can change the colors and change the text very quickly. And so you can create those Eye-Catching images. You can add immense value to your business, your marketing clients’ business, or again, have some extra skill on your resume by practicing and getting familiar with

vidIQ version for YouTube – the Chrome Extention Video Tool

Next, the tool is a chrome extension called vidIQ for YouTube. YouTube is the second biggest Web site globally and the second biggest search engine globally. So if you want to get traffic and build an audience on the second biggest website in the world, vidIQ is a tool that will help you do this.

Personally, how I use it if I’m considering making a video on a topic, say, Google Analytics, I type that into the search bar on YouTube and then vidIQ. Once I’ve got the Chrome extension installed, it brings up all this extra information at the side here. And I can see, for example, under the keywords score, not this term, Google Analytics gets a vast amount of search volume on YouTube. It’s not. It’s up at the top—ninety-three in the green.

However, the most important thing is in terms of the competition. The bar is also green, which is the sweet spot I can see overall. This keyword has a score of eighty-one over one hundred, meaning that if I were to create a video on this topic, I’d have a perfect chance of getting to the top of the search results on YouTube because there’s not a lot of competition. Still, there’s a massive amount of search volume, and there are many other things you can do with vidIQ. But that’s one of my favorite minor features that helps me plan my content to get in front of my audience. So vidIQ is a great tool, primarily focusing on video and YouTube marketing.

Keywords Everywhere – the Chrome Extention Keywords Tool

The fifth and final tool we’ll look at is the keyword everywhere, chrome extension. So again, this is a chrome extension. So it would be best if you used the Chrome browser for this. But once you’ve got it installed, what you were going to be seeing is underneath the search bar in Google; you’re going to see this metric here, which is crucial, the search volume per month.

For example, when we consider creating online marketing content, we have to think about the name of the complete online marketing course and what it would be like. Well, I guess it is one hundred searches per month. That’s pretty good.

But then I was like, what about if I change this to digital marketing content, are there many more people searching for this than online? And you can excuse all caps, but I saw an ad that’s 60000 people per month are searching for that. So that’s just one word in the difference. Seven times the amount of people are searching for that term. So what did I do? I rename my article the complete digital marketing article.

I expanded my audience by seven times. And so videos are the keyword ever. Chrome extension is something I use daily to test the name of products, blog posts, and ideas to make sure that I’m appealing to the broadest audience possible. So in terms of content, thoughts like how to get more views on YouTube, I type this in, and I was about twelve thousand one hundred people per month searching for that. Maybe I could create a video on that, and you can even start these searches for it as well, and it adds it to a list.

Therefore, another handy tool to validate the demand for your products or the content ideas. So that wraps up the five best digital marketing tools and how I use them the most. The five tools we looked at the start here. I’ve included them all here in this list, which you can see in another article about tools for digital marketing. And there are also some of my other favorite ones here. You can see this is extremely popular. So go ahead and set those tools up to grow your business and get incredible results in your digital marketing.