Are you still trying to control people while managing?

Business & Marketing

Are you still trying to control people while managing?

By Sivann

June 05, 2023

Are you still trying to control people while managing? If so, your management style is bound to fail. What kind of people are easy to control? Those who are less capable. But what does it mean to control people? It means monitoring every action, from how they type on a keyboard during a meeting to analyzing 365 possible motives behind their behavior. This subjective approach is exhausting for both the manager and the employees.

Instead, a manager should focus on controlling the process and achieving results. This involves setting clear goals, monitoring progress objectively, and measuring results. For example, breaking a project into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports allows for timely communication and strategy adjustments. A great manager can calculate the granularity of actions required for external collaborations. Understanding the process and assessing it is key. A manager who only controls people is not a good manager.

Thus, how can you set goals, monitor progress, and achieve results? If you’re wondering why your employees never seem to complete tasks assigned to them, here’s a simple and effective management method: set goals, monitor progress, and achieve results.

Goal setting is the process of establishing clear and measurable objectives that employees understand and know how to achieve. These goals should be challenging yet achievable and aligned with the company’s overall objectives. During goal setting, managers should communicate and clarify objectives with employees to ensure they understand their responsibilities and expected outcomes.

Secondly, managers need to learn process tracking. They should monitor and track the execution of projects or tasks to ensure they are completed within the scheduled time frame and meet the expected goals. This includes checking the workflow, managing time, and evaluating performance. During the process tracking, managers should communicate regularly with employees, track the progress and effectiveness of the project, and make timely adjustments and optimizations.

Next, managers should focus on the outcome-oriented approach. They should use the final results of projects or tasks as a standard to measure their effectiveness and ensure that they align with the company’s overall goals and expectations. While setting goals and tracking progress, managers should also make sure that the final results meet the desired requirements.

Finally, to implement this management methodology, managers can use various management tools such as task lists, flowcharts, Gantt charts, KPIs, and OKRs. These tools can help managers set better goals, track processes, and outcomes, make timely adjustments and optimizations, and ensure that tasks are completed within the scheduled time frame and meet the expected goals.

Managers who try to control their employees are likely to fail. Instead, they should focus on controlling the process and achieving results by setting clear goals, monitoring progress objectively, and measuring results. Goal setting involves establishing challenging yet achievable objectives that are aligned with the company’s overall goals and communicating them clearly to employees. In addition, process tracking involves monitoring and evaluating the execution of tasks, managing time, and evaluating performance.

In short, outcome-oriented management involves using the final results of projects or tasks as a standard to measure effectiveness, and there are various management tools such as task lists, flowcharts, Gantt charts, KPIs, and OKRs can be used to implement this methodology.