Expert guide creating a successful marketing campaign

Business & Marketing

Expert guide creating a successful marketing campaign

By Sivann

July 08, 2023

We all know that for a successful marketing campaign, not only must the idea be good, but it must also be easily shareable. Recently, some experts specifically talked about how to create a social marketing plan that can generate millions of traffic.

The first point is that the core of social marketing lies in user sharing. You need to find users and give them a reason to share your content. It should be noted that we should not make a plan for users to share, but our plan should meet the purpose of user sharing. For example, if someone shares that they came home late today and the night outside was beautiful, what they want to share is not just that the night was good, but also that they worked late today to achieve their goals.

The second point is that a good plan can only create greater impact if it is connected to something with energy. When planning, you have to clarify the purpose first, which is what you want to spread. Then, you must address the user’s concerns and package it in a powerful form of expression. You also need to leverage powerful people, choosing those who can express the emotional energy of the user.

For example, if you want to increase the usage of Weibo by students and the campus influence of Weibo, you need to provide content that resonates with students. Many students want to have the opportunity to intern and work in the world’s top 500 companies. This content is very powerful. Then, you need to find a format that is valuable, such as a popular TV program called “Job Lai Job Go” that college students like to watch.

Who is that person with energy? For job hunting for students, executives of the world’s top 500 companies are capable. If students can directly communicate with these executives one-on-one, they can have a chance to get an interview opportunity. This is very valuable.

So, they made a Weibo interactive product, moved the entire scene of job hunting online, and invited BAT, Lenovo and many other companies. There are guest areas, user areas, and content interaction areas. Users interact in the scene, and students can conduct online interviews, ask questions and get answers, and issue qualifications through the host. At that time, the activity had a great impact, and students from many schools participated.

The third point is to let users share your content, not just good ideas. Sometimes an idea is good but doesn’t generate much communication because of poor copywriting. Good copywriting must be able to touch users’ emotions and connect with people’s feelings. So how do we find out the user’s emotions?

There are ten emotional triggers that can be used to create effective marketing campaigns on social media. The first is greed, which is often seen in the form of links promising discounts or coupons. The second is usefulness, which offers valuable information to users, such as tips on how to lose weight or pass a test. The third is curiosity, which is often used to entice users with intriguing headlines that promise new or surprising information. The fourth is bragging, which involves sharing personal achievements or acts of kindness to impress others. The fifth is empathy, which encourages users to share content that supports a good cause. The sixth is conformity, which leverages the power of social influence to encourage users to share content that has already been widely viewed or shared. The seventh is admiration, which involves sharing content that honors someone who has accomplished something remarkable. The eighth is belonging, which taps into a user’s sense of identity and encourages them to share content that aligns with their cultural or national identity. The ninth is empathy, which encourages users to share content that they can relate to on a personal level. The tenth is relevance, which encourages users to share content that is directly relevant to their own lives.

These emotional triggers can be used to create effective marketing campaigns on social media. By leveraging these triggers, marketers can create content that resonates with their target audience and encourages them to take action. For example, a clothing retailer might use the greed trigger by offering a discount code for a limited time only. A health and wellness brand might use the usefulness trigger by sharing tips on how to stay healthy during the winter months. A news site might use the curiosity trigger by sharing an intriguing headline that promises new information about a popular topic.

The key to using these emotional triggers effectively is to understand your target audience and what motivates them. By understanding their needs and desires, you can create content that speaks directly to them and encourages them to take action. For example, if your target audience is young parents, you might use the admiration trigger by sharing stories of other parents who have overcome challenges and achieved success. If your target audience is environmentally conscious, you might use the empathy trigger by sharing content that highlights the impact of climate change on the planet.

In addition to understanding your target audience, it is also important to use these emotional triggers in a way that is authentic and genuine. Users can quickly spot content that feels forced or manipulative, and this can damage your brand’s reputation. Instead, focus on creating content that is relevant, informative, and engaging. By providing value to your audience, you can build trust and credibility over time.

Finally, it is important to remember that social media is a constantly evolving landscape. What works today may not work tomorrow, and it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. This requires ongoing research and experimentation, as well as a willingness to adapt and change as needed.

In conclusion, the ten emotional triggers discussed in this article can be powerful tools for creating effective marketing campaigns on social media. By understanding your target audience and what motivates them, you can create content that resonates with them and encourages them to take action. However, it is important to use these triggers in a way that is authentic and genuine, and to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. With the right approach, social media can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness, driving traffic, and increasing sales.