Marketing is an important science in today's society.


Marketing is an important science in today’s society.

By Sivann

December 04, 2022

Marketing is an important science in today’s society. Why do we say that? Because in today’s business world, the marketing activities of enterprises are obviously found. The key term ‘Marketing’ itself includes brand promotion. Since it is a promotion, more people will naturally see it everywhere; if more people see it, everyone will be more impressed with the marketing.

Of course, it’s a good thing. It brings many opportunities to our friends who are engaged in marketing, and it also makes more friends pay attention to the knowledge of marketing. Marketing is indeed very important in actual business operations. It can effectively help companies achieve business development, build long-term brand equity, and help companies last forever.

Everything should not be overdone, and we cannot overestimate the role of marketing, thinking that with good marketing, everything will be there, that is not a scientific attitude. In fact, the success of the brand is the success of the enterprise first, and the success of the enterprise should be attributed to the success of the business operation, and marketing itself is a part of the business operation.

For instance, if the operation itself is a sailing ship, then marketing is the sail, and the execution of marketing activities is the operation of the sail. In contrast, if you only know how to operate the sails, there is nothing you can do if the ship is going to break down. If you have a knowledge of boat building, you may be able to build a paddle boat to travel when there is no wind.

Many of my friends who are proficient in marketing skills often find it difficult to improve later, because it is difficult for them to think at a higher level. Thinking about marketing only at the level of marketing will eventually have limitations. If you want to raise your understanding of marketing to another level, you should think about the logic of business operations.

Strategic management scientist Arnold Weissmann once said that the solution to a problem always depends on the solution to a higher-level problem adjacent to the problem.

Therefore, the relationship between marketing and business operations. The exertion and success of marketing power ultimately depend on the business and organizational capabilities of the enterprise. In Mister Sivann’s management and marketing consulting practice, we pay close attention to issues at the business level, which provides us with a more macro perspective to grasp key issues, and our past practice has also proved that this order of thinking is effective.

Although the theme of this article is about marketing, when thinking about each specific marketing issue, it will go back to one level to let readers understand higher-level issues, so as to help readers better understand marketing issues.

We have also realized in the cooperation with customers that the essence of marketing is to help enterprises operate, and the essence of enterprise management is to enable enterprises to gain long-term advantages in commercial activities. Without management, there will be no marketing, and without good products, promotion can only be an act of killing chickens and taking eggs, which is meaningless.

The purpose of marketing is ultimately subject to the goals of the enterprise. The ultimate goal of business operation is to gain an advantage in the competition. The success of an enterprise is the success of comprehensive factors and is essentially the success of the business operations. In order to succeed in business operations, it must follow reasonable business logic and have good management talents, resources, organization, and capabilities. The statement that a single marketing idea can save a company is one-sided and absolute, and it does not respect the laws of the business world.