Potential elements in "crazy spread" and "tipping point"

Business & Marketing

Potential elements in “crazy spread” and “tipping point”

By Sivann

May 06, 2023

Potential elements in “crazy spread” and “tipping point” is the topic we will discuss today on how marketing is crucial in the information age to make a product popular. First of all, in today’s era of information explosion, marketing is very necessary in order to make a product popular. This can be achieved through related skills introduced from two aspects: product design and product marketing.

For a product to become popular, it needs to be a social currency that sparks conversation and discussion. From a specific operational level, social currency includes three elements: distinctive design, high recognition in public places, and practicality that can solve problems. Achieving the first two points can make the product gimmicks and high exposure, and make the users who own the product more unique, which in turn triggers everyone’s discussion and dissemination. The last point can take advantage of people’s psychology.

With the development of modern communication, direct contact between friends has become less frequent, so sharing useful information with them can help save time and money, while strengthening relationships. Therefore, the product must emphasize its practicality in the design and packaging process.

Next, three strategies can be used to design marketing programs: making good use of incentives, emotions, and stories. Incentives are high-frequency scenes in life. In the promotion process, linking products with these high-frequency scenes can increase the frequency of products appearing in people’s minds.

Emotion means that in the design of advertising copy, we should effectively use positive emotions such as anger, awe, excitement, etc., and guide customers’ forwarding behavior by awakening emotions. The last marketing strategy is the use of stories.

Compared with reading ad words plainly, a story with ups and downs is easier for everyone to remember and spread without resistance. Of course, when designing a story, you must integrate the advertising point into the main line of the story; otherwise, it is likely that the story will be popular, but the product will not.

Therefore, discovering elements that can cause “crazy spread” is important. But in fact, the methods of these elements are more worthy of our study. The most important reason why one can find out these elements that can lead to “crazy spread” is the ability to judge what is the cause and what is the effect.

For example, the book “Tipping Point” had a great influence on the author, but during the reading process, the author keenly discovered that the three types of laws described in the book are not the reason why the product can become popular, but rather a result.

In order to understand the real reason for detonating popularity, the author used comparative experiments to test the propagation effects of various methods and finally summarized the “crazy spread” elements behind these laws that really worked. Thus, the judgment of cause and effect is very important. If you only polish the conclusion, you will not be able to truly see the essence of the event.

Marketing is crucial in today’s information age to make a product popular. This can be achieved through product design and marketing strategies. A product needs to be distinctive, recognizable, and practical to become a social currency that sparks conversation. Three strategies can be used for marketing programs: incentives, emotions, and stories. Discovering elements that can cause “crazy spread” is important, but the ability to judge cause and effect is crucial. In short, the real reason for detonating popularity can be understood through comparative experiments to test the propagation effects of various methods. Polishing the conclusion alone will not reveal the essence of the event.