5 Ways to Cope with A Brief Period of Enthusiasm


5 Ways to Cope with A Brief Period of Enthusiasm

By Sivann

March 04, 2019

In the previous article, we have discussed how to manage and persistent your enthusiasm. Now we will talk about another 5 ways to cope with a brief period of enthusiasm which in addition to the last article I have missed regarding your self-control on how the habit has been managed and persistent. As becoming a habit in the part of your life or daily living, it’s important to have you understand the discipline may be or might not be applied to yourself disciplinary. Perhaps, it’s also difficult for you to deal or follow what’s a huge change to you for the first time. Thus, the 5 ways to cope with a brief period of enthusiasm will help you well working or coping with the problem will be happening on the way changing or adapting your new habit, to help your enthusiasm igniting to be burned better and longer. Here, you can learn more to cope with it if you feel that there are not enough or you still cannot manage and persistent your enthusiasm from my previous article.

I think you may read or learn more about the discipline and especially from the success of well-known people about their strict discipline as far as the former U.S. Presidents, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, or Bill Clinton. Or, the previous CEO of Apple, Steve Job who has the strongest willpower, which not everyone could be able to be as ordinary people like us. You can imaginary about their discipline and how big or great they are. You may say “Wow,” that, “the most powerful people are those who obtaining strong self-control to themselves”, and “behind their excellence, there are very strict on self-discipline.” Or, how strong your self-control and here is how you can determine to bring yourself to the peak of life, and it’s what may people think about.

However, we may not know or we are not able to know about what’s the reality behind those successful people. Because what we know those are things have been happened that they are the success and the stories are conveyed from one to another, and some even didn’t what’s about and why it happened to a book. For example, the Founder of Alibaba, Jack MA, didn’t how the books about him were written and widespread in the readers market regarding his success stories. And, more of success people are like that. Therefore, some information or explanation about the success and disciplines or something before the stories might be really great as what’s written or we are imagery about. As per the packaged products, and it has been sold on the market. If it’s a product, this is inevitable that they are polished and keep only the good things and get rid of the bad things in order to ensure the quality to the customers. Sometimes, we can see that what happened in the stories are the things that the ordinary people cannot do or accomplish it successfully. 

Don’t Be Forced on Your Self-discipline

Don’t be forced on yourself too much with any discipline that you’re not able to accomplish it with your energy, physical ability, intelligence, or even natural instinct. For instance, everyone has their own natural instinct for their own self-image management, so the self-control behavior shared by various celebrities will inevitably be packaged or selectively highlighted. Moreover, the physiological function of the human can determine our behavior that there is no absolute self-discipline, and blindly subjective self-control is not sustainable because our willpower is limited. Although it will be improved after exercise in the later period, it still the limit for our growth. Therefore, we do not blindly require discipline that huge absolute self-control, and we have to understand what is the purpose behind our self-control behavior. How the disciplines necessary to help accelerate our self-control behaviors. Eventually, there is no exception to whom may indulge, and lose their constraints, and themselves also not improve then become disorder or depression.

Otherwise, ordinary people like we or we may not very strong willpower to pursue those incredible disciplines, we just persistent what we can do with our enthusiasm every day is enough to succeed our goals and make our miracle day every day we want to. And that’s quite easy, take a rest when we feel tired. Go to take a nap when you sleep in the afternoon or one day you cannot stay overnight just go to be earlier won’t be matter. Even if there is a plan won’t be completed yet because of the above actions or an incident mistaken, don’t blame yourself or complain about your should take action earlier but accept what’s happened and the plan is really delayed. Then you will find another time to put on and it’s still going on your plan. To do so, it not only gets rid of your pressure at the time but it also gives you a stable emotion to continue your work and going on with what’s really matters to you.  

Getting Adjusted in Time

In order to know how to get adjusted your plan in time, we have to do the process mapping to clear about each stage of the event occur. To do so we can see and check where is the mistake of the whole process and it allows us to take it out or to do any action to accomplish a good solution to the problem. In here, I won’t draw the complete or complex of the mapping, it’s just a brief and very simple to analyze on your mind process. Let’s see there are two assumptions to your perception to understand how your mind toward failure and how it’s becoming fail again and how it does the contrast against failure to get in persistent on your plan to success. 

Now just imagine your failure. The first assumption, you cannot implement the first task to follow your plan or the schedule you set, and then it leads you to feel down so often. Next, you decide to get rid of that plan. For a period of time, you feel want to start another plan about that again, then it still fails. Do you feel is it like the cycle of failure, again and again from the starting point (planning) then to the execute process (but you fail to follow the schedule all the time), next you want to give it up. For a time your recall that again you start that plan again then it still goes to the path again to fail. However, we can figure out that the problem is in the process, the execution has got a mistake there. In this cycle, it’s urging you to get into a brief period of enthusiasm again and again. 

So, let’s see the next assumption. It’s the same, planning, process, and then resulting in. But it differs at the resolution toward failure or mistake occur. Of course, you may feel down on making the mistake or something bad happens to ruin your plan. However, you can choose to blame yourself why to let it happen. It’s not just blaming yourself, it’s your pain point that why you should spend your time and recourse to cope with and solve it right now at the time. To see what it is, and how it’s going after the painful. Revising your plan or adjusting your action to respond to the root cause of your pain point, you can do that targeted adjustment against your failure immediately and then to persist your execution on the plan without any getting rid of the decision. In this cycle, you can keep your plan going by persisting your enthusiasm for finding the mistake and fix it then keep going. The targeted adjustment is in time that everything won’t late to keep you tension as well as your enthusiasm last long in the cycle.

Leverage Your Self-motivation

Just above it will not be enough to keep your ignited enthusiasm burning, it needs a continuous motivation to yourself. In order to stay longer and go further, you have to leverage your self-motivation driven. It means to dig out your driven force in the accomplishment which helps to reduce your reluctance in the execution and workload and make you be able to straight forward. 

When we talk about motivation, you may be thinking about the reward for the first time. Actually, that’s also a way to keep you moving, but it’s better to dig inside of the reward why does it make you feel getting reward can lead you motivated and straight ahead. We have to back to the originality of the plan, why you set it, and not because of getting the reward, but it’s your enthusiasm for interest in something you have planned and executing right now. That’s your enthusiasm, interest, passion, and/or desire. Thus, here is how you use your desire to do what you want as the beginning you’re dedicated to set up the plan or doing the thing that everyone cannot stop you from the accomplishment. From your original purpose of enthusiasm, you will fight to overcome the various obstacles in front of you. 

That’s the power of the desire. In the beginning, you desire to make your enthusiasm a fire, and now it’s time to keep that igniting fire burning. It’s a great example in the story of Robinson Crusoe, how Robinson lived in the isolated island for 35 years from nothing even he can have light at night, and then he can get the animal fat to his light, and until he can live to leave the island. The desire to survive makes him alive until his back home, and the desire to survive makes people work for 8 hours a day or even more to heal their basic needs of living. That’s how your desire heals your persistent enthusiasm in life. At the same time of executing your plan let find out your desire on work to fulfill your enthusiasm and persist to struggle over all obstacles till your success.

Be sincere to ask yourself, is it fear? Is it fear to you from the beginning of setting up your plan on doing this thing, which I mean fear of failure. Coping with your fear, it’s also a kind of motivation to yourself, besides desire. The matter is the matter of how you use your fear to encourage yourself and stick together with your desire. Of course, The motivation driven for the desire is coming from wanting to fight for something or overcome the obstacles, while the motivation driven for the fear is coming from afraid of losing. That will be a great thing to happen, if you can make both motive forces to control your every move around you as the motivation is driven to keep your enthusiasm on. That’s also a great way to leverage your self-motivation alive.

Just Take Actions – Executing without re-thinking

A very concise, clear, and detailed plan, it’s a seamless plan. However, the doer has nowhere to execute it. Because the doer thinks about how to do it again when taking the action. For instance, you want to lose weight and set a plan to go diet. when executing that plan you still feel what to eat is better to health and the diet. It makes you reconsider that many times and you cannot do anything even just a bit something to eat for your day. So, you still gain weight. And, for example, you want to get up earlier in the morning to do the thing more and set to get up at 4 a.m. in the morning and have something done before you’re heading to work at 7 a.m. or 8 a.m. However, you can get up at that time, there is nothing done eventually. Because you’re not clear about what really to do even you have set for yourself already to do this and that. 

You still take time to think before taking action. And, when you’re thinking it makes you mess on your plan or schedule again. Its complexity of the work pushes you into the trap of the decisions you have made already. If there is anything not yet sure do not set it from the first or you have to do a research on it whether to put in the plan for executing without reconsidering and doubt whether doing it right or not. For example, you have to research about what food to eat for your daily diet meal, so that you just go ahead to eat without thinking right or wrong any more. Or, what you won’t have it done in the earlier of the morning when you get up. No doubt about it, just takes ahead on your actions, executing it without re-thinking, seamlessly, your plan is going on the right track already.

Make It Become Your Living Part of Habit

Finally, we get in here, make your tasks become your living part of a habit. If you want to take it in an easy way, the only way to make it on your track is by turning it into your habit. For example, it’s simple like reading habit, getting up an earlier habit, and have tasks done before arriving office at 8 a.m. something like that. And, your enthusiasm for any interest, hobby, passion, and desire it’s also the same. Make it your habit, and you will not force yourself or set a hardship discipline. When it’s your habit, you won’t be afraid of making a mistake and adjust it on time. When it becomes your habit, it will be executed without any concern to rethink. So, every day you will have more time to do another thing instead of or make your existing enthusiasm more productive on your work.