The Power of Simple Habits: How Push-Ups Can Help You Stick to Your Goals


The Power of Simple Habits: How Push-Ups Can Help You Stick to Your Goals 

By Sivann

August 13, 2023

Many people struggle to stick to their goals and build good habits. The reasons for this are often complex, ranging from lack of motivation to limited willpower. However, according to experts, one simple habit can help you overcome these challenges and achieve your goals: push-ups. 

Push-ups are a basic exercise that requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. They work multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. But beyond their physical benefits, push-ups can also help you build mental resilience and develop the discipline needed to achieve your goals. 

The Power of Simple Habits 

According to James Clear, author of the best-selling book “Atomic Habits,” the key to building good habits is to start small. Instead of trying to make big changes all at once, focus on developing simple habits that can be done consistently over time. 

Push-ups are an excellent example of a simple habit that can have a big impact. By committing to doing just a few push-ups every day, you can start building the discipline and mental resilience needed to achieve your goals. 

“When you do something as simple as a push-up every day, you start to build momentum,” says Clear. “You start to see yourself as someone who can stick to a habit and achieve their goals.” 

The Importance of Resistance 

One of the reasons why push-ups are such a powerful habit is that they provide resistance. When you first start doing push-ups, they may feel easy and effortless. However, as you continue to do them, your muscles will start to fatigue, and you’ll begin to feel resistance. 

This resistance is important because it helps train your brain to overcome obstacles and push through challenges. When you encounter difficulties in other areas of your life, such as work or relationships, you’ll be better equipped to handle them because you’ve already developed the mental resilience needed to push through resistance. 

“Push-ups teach you that it’s possible to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals,” says Clear. “They help you develop the mental toughness needed to succeed in all areas of your life.” 

The Power of Consistency 

Another important aspect of building good habits is consistency. It’s not enough to do something once or twice; you need to commit to doing it consistently over time. 

Push-ups are an excellent habit for developing consistency because they can be done quickly and easily. Even if you’re short on time or don’t have access to a gym, you can still do a few push-ups every day. 

“Consistency is the key to building good habits,” says Clear. “When you do something consistently, it becomes part of your identity. You start to see yourself as someone who does that thing, and it becomes easier to stick to.” 

The Importance of Starting Small 

When it comes to building good habits, starting small is essential. If you try to make big changes all at once, you’re likely to get overwhelmed and give up. 

Push-ups are an excellent example of a small habit that can have a big impact. By committing to doing just a few push-ups every day, you can start building the discipline and mental resilience needed to achieve your goals. 

“Starting small is the key to building good habits,” says Clear. “When you start small, you make it easier for yourself to succeed. You build momentum and confidence, and that makes it easier to keep going.” 


In conclusion, push-ups are a simple yet powerful habit that can help you achieve your goals. By committing to doing just a few push-ups every day, you can start building the mental resilience and discipline needed to succeed in all areas of your life. 

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your mental health, push-ups can help. So why not give them a try? Start small, be consistent, and see how this simple habit can transform your life.