A good habit begins with reading a book


A good habit begins with reading a book

By Sivann

March 26, 2023

A good habit begins with reading a book. Whatever, with a good start there will be better success at the end. And reading to get action rather than trump reasons. In which, to make yourself do rather than think about the reason to procrastinate. Even if you start reading today, it will be a good habit you have.

Ordinarily, what we read to pursue in a book is knowledge, information, and truth. How to read the action? Of course, there is an inherent contradiction in the matter of truth. If there is one truth, there is another truth in the opposite direction comes. Often true. Thus, the problem with us adults is not that we don’t understand the truth, but that we know too many truths. Isn’t there such a sentence? Because I know a lot of truths, I can’t live life well.

Let me just give you an example. I am trying to lose weight. When I see this meat, I know that it should not be eaten. This is a truth, but I also feel that if I don’t get enough protein today, will I lose muscle? This is another strength. Meanwhile, it is possible for me to use another reason of truth to persuade myself so let me take the meal.

With another example, is it right to do exercise for example running every day? That’s right. What if I’m lazy today? I will invoke the opposite reason of truth for myself, I can’t run too much almost every day like this, or I will hurt my knees. You see, this is a question of reason. If your mind is full of reasoning, in fact, you have prepared a lot of back roads for yourself, which are of no use to us in improving our lives. Therefore, I will take a high look at a class of books. What is it then? That is, besides reason of truth, it will give you very specific action suggestions.

Let’s take a look together at a book called, “How to make anyone fall in love with you”. The title of the book sounds very vulgar. Why is it a good book, that is, in addition to the truth, it really tells you about actions. For example, it suggests how you can ask and answer questions with people in social situations.

If someone praises you, how should you respond? It gives you special suggestions, and it is a specific action suggestion to tell you how to respond. For instance, when someone asks you how your family is? You’re going to be like, oh, they’re great, thanks for asking about them. You see there is a reason behind this. It means that you should find a way to return the kindness others have given you and thank them.

On the other hand, let’s say, how was your latest holiday? How do we respond to that is, “Thank you for remembering this, I had a great time.” Or, it might be praise that, I love your new haircut. Then the response is, thank you for noticing mine, and yes, I just found a new super nice hairdresser.

If you look at the three examples in one fell swoop, I will immediately know how I should act in similar social situations. And there is a reason behind the action, which is to return the goodwill of others. This is what a good book looks like. Give us a reason, but more importantly, give us action.