How Publicly Announcing Goals Affects Motivation and Achievement


How Publicly Announcing Goals Affects Motivation and Achievement

By Sivann

September 10, 2023

Setting goals is a common practice for individuals seeking personal growth and success. Many people believe that publicly announcing their goals can increase motivation and help hold them accountable. However, recent research suggests that the impact of publicly announcing goals may not be as straightforward as it seems. In this article, we delve into the effects of publicly announcing personal goals and explore the importance of clarity, action plans, and social accountability in achieving desired outcomes.

The TED Talk:

In the TED Talk titled “Don’t Publicly Announce Your Personal Goals,” the speaker references a study by Gollwitzer et al. (2009) that focuses on personal identity goals. These are goals related to one’s personal aspirations and self-perception, such as “I want to become a lawyer!” or “I want to be a great person!” The speaker argues that publicly announcing such goals may actually hinder progress and diminish motivation.

The Impact of Publicly Announcing Exercise Goals:

Contrary to popular belief, a separate study suggests that publicly announcing exercise goals on social media has little influence on actual physical activity levels. Whether individuals share their fitness aspirations or keep them private, the study found no significant difference in the amount of running or walking they engaged in. This implies that the act of sharing goals alone does not necessarily translate into increased motivation or achievement.

The Importance of Strategic Goal Sharing:

To better understand the relationship between goal sharing and achievement, it is crucial to consider two key factors: the content of the shared goals and the presence of a clear action plan. Simply announcing dreams and aspirations without outlining a concrete path or strategies to overcome obstacles may garner admiration but can lead to diminished motivation.

Strategies for Effective Goal Sharing:

If individuals feel compelled to share their goals, it is essential to do so in a way that maximizes the likelihood of success. One approach, as suggested by speaker Derek Sivers, is to refrain from seeking satisfaction solely from inspirational proclamations and instead focus on genuine goal attainment. Alternatively, if sharing is necessary, individuals should consider expressing their goals in a manner that does not provide immediate gratification.

The Power of Clarity and Accountability:

When sharing goals, it is crucial to be clear and specific about the desired outcomes and the action plan. By doing so, individuals shift the attention from receiving mere appreciation to fostering social accountability that supports action. For instance, instead of simply stating, “I want to become a certain type of person!” or “Starting tomorrow, I will…” individuals can share more actionable statements like, “I aim to exercise three times a week this month” or “I commit to daily consistency.”


While publicly announcing personal goals has long been seen as a motivational strategy, recent research suggests that its impact on achievement is nuanced. Merely sharing aspirations without clear action plans may lead to decreased motivation over time. However, when goals are shared strategically with clarity and accompanied by specific action plans, social accountability can positively influence motivation and increase the likelihood of goal attainment.

The key takeaway is that individuals should carefully consider their approach to goal sharing. By focusing on clarity, actionable steps, and fostering social accountability, one can harness the power of goal setting effectively. Ultimately, it is the combination of setting meaningful goals, outlining actionable plans, and leveraging social support that paves the way for success in personal endeavors.