The Power of Positive Expectations and Social Support in Achieving Goals


The Power of Positive Expectations and Social Support in Achieving Goals

By Sivann

September 17, 2023

Achieving social recognition is one of the most important needs of human beings. However, stating a goal is just the first step, the key is whether the people you share your goals with can provide you with positive and constructive feedback. 

Psychology has a concept known as the Pygmalion Effect, which states that the expectations of others can shape an individual. This effect is based on the story of Pygmalion, a sculptor who created a beautiful statue of a woman and fell in love with it. Similarly, if a child is perceived as a “smart student” during childhood, they are more likely to become intelligent. 

Another important concept is the anchoring effect. In his book “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” author Daniel Kahneman mentions an experiment in which students were asked to estimate the height of a redwood tree: 

Group 1:   Is the tallest redwood tree in the world taller than 180 feet?   How tall do you think the tallest redwood tree in the world is? 
Group 2:   Is the tallest redwood tree in the world taller than 1,200 feet?   How tall do you think the tallest redwood tree in the world is? 

The average answer for Group 1 was 280 feet, while Group 2’s was 844 feet. 

Taken together, these concepts suggest that positive expectations from others can change an individual. When you announce your goals, their level of expectation can anchor your level of achievement. Therefore, it is important to share your goals with people who have higher standards and can positively support you. 

For instance, if your goal is to double your salary within a year, study for an hour every day, and take on new tasks, sharing it with friends who are content with their current job might result in ridicule and discouragement. However, sharing it with friends who are ambitious and successful might result in constructive feedback and encouragement to try new things. 

It is important to surround yourself with people who have high standards and aspirations, as they can provide social support and encouragement towards achieving your goals. This can be referred to as “blessing” in Buddhist terminology. 

In conclusion, positive expectations and social support are crucial factors in achieving personal goals. It is important to surround oneself with people who have high standards and aspirations, as they can provide constructive feedback and encouragement towards achieving one’s goals.