About Us

LOVE, is a kind of persistent and a kind of belief, to change your LIFE.
So, please try to care and love more people around you.

I am a BloggerContent WriterConsultantCoachDesignerand So Many ... in Professional Career

Adhere to your ideal, firmly believe your future, strongly determine your action, and passionately realize your dream. 坚持理想,坚信未来,坚强行动,坚定实现梦想。(TE Sivann)


The main purpose of reading this blog aims to help all of you to augment your general knowledge insights as a base to generating a more great idea.


To go further details in any area of knowledge or idea in my blog, you also can access to my free resources which are absolutely free for you.


Yes, of course! If you need me, I will be there to help you for any kind of solution regarding to life, love, career, and being in your journey of life.
Years Experience

Welcome to my site SIVANN-DOT-COM

Thank you so much for visiting me. Thank you for visiting my website. Nice to you see with a warming welcome!

I hope I can share more useful information, experiences, and other knowledge together with you all. It is not only interesting for you to improve yourself but also develop myself too. I am sorry if it has got something wrong with my writing and makes you feel strange about it because I am no professional and not a native of English.

My Family Members

LOVE, is a kind of persistent and a kind of belief, to change your LIFE. So, please try to care and love more people around you.

Life is a series of commas, not periods. It is made up of small pleasures. With each sunrise, we start anew. The best way to predict the future is to create it. At the beginning of life, it’s decided what we will be and face as it is a natural rule, happy and sad, sweet and sour, up and down, worth and worse, etc. which called natural state, and all lives are the same. | Read More

About Freelance Projects

Marketing your startup in a digital way is better, finding its way the most cost effective with big impact result, it makes the business grow further.