The "psychological contract" aspect deals with superior/subordinate relationship

The “psychological contract” aspect deals with superior/subordinate relationship

(Read in 6 minutes) Today we will talk about the first aspect that we raised in the previous article and begin with the "psychological contract" to manage your subordinates, whereas a new way of thinking about dealing with the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Team Management 4.0 - Why should we 'Lead the team' in stead of 'manage the team'?

Team Management 4.0 – Why should we ‘Lead the team’ instead of ‘manage the team’?

(Read in 4 minutes) Team Management 4.0 - Why should we 'Lead the team' instead of 'manage the team'? You may have noticed that some managers currently use "lead the team" instead of "manage the team". This is because, in their mind, there is a difference between "manage" and "lead": "manage"