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How to Manage and Persistent Your Enthusiasm

How to Manage and Persistent Your Enthusiasm

(Read in 6 minutes)

Obtaining an enthusiasm is good, and it’s an encouragement of your action. However, a brief period of enthusiasm could make you more worst. Thus, how to manage and persistent your enthusiasm is a crucial point to our growth. As per the raised example in the main article, get started to know your ‘cherry monsters’ in life, here is one of those cherry monsters in your mind ‘Brief Period of Enthusiasm’ which could ruin your dream and your life.

An Avatar (CM4) I have narrated in the article is the typical point of a brief period of enthusiasm. she is an enthusiastic young lady, who has a strong passion for everything just from the beginning, especially for seeking new hobbies. However, she may change her interests or hobbies twice a month. For example, study a new language, learning guitar, cooking, painting, yoga, gym, and so many kinds of things, eventually changing every month. And, the longest thing or hobby she can stand on is not more than three weeks.

As shown in the CM4 example, a brief period of enthusiasm is also a passion came from a personal interest or hobby, but it’s just in a very short period of time. When people are getting in such as brief passionating of doing as a long time they will be, it’s easy to make them give up on the way they’re growing. And, it means you’re always getting rid of your dream and road to success in a way you’re going. 

To manage and persistent your enthusiasm, and it’s way to grow your passion stronger and make with your strong commitment I would like to brief you about the way you can make it and adhere to your enthusiasm eternity as follows. 

Set A Clear Goal

A reason that it couldn’t make a brief period of enthusiasm to adhere to your original intention is no convincing cause. The brief period of enthusiasm is a small fire with a small drop of the droplets of oil to be ignited for the first time, and when the droplets are burned out, the enthusiastic passion and commitment also couldn’t adhere to bring into play.

Let’s compare the droplets of the oil or a match that igniting the small fire appears to any hobby you’re interested in and for an instant of CM4’s story. It’s that, there are many small a bit of fire burning everywhere in your mind scheme, a little bit here and a little bit over there. However, it’s just burning for a while and then they will disappear, when another firing point is igniting over one another is extinguished. The so-called this intention is easy to understand because there is nothing for the fire continued burning. Or you’re not linking those points together forming in a network and then let them continue to burn more intensely. 

Because of your short period of enthusiasm, it has already given you a start point but you didn’t connect the point to any specific area of your life. As CM4’s story there are so many things she wants to do, but nothing she can accomplish or uphold it for a long period of time or even for her life, I mean for any specific area of her life. For example, she was interested in learning Japanese, cooking, playing guitar, or yoga, etc. Actually, they are her goals, and it’s too broad, no specific, and time frame to track her a direction to accomplish all these things properly and continuously. Because a brief period of enthusiasm mind might be caused by a lack of motivation or a clear direction such as the way to follow the dreams and goals of life. Once you can figure out what is you want and you’re really interested in, you have to take a quicken action of setting this goal clear, complete, and in a concise way of your intention to achieve it in any specific schedule in the future. That’s also a part of your growing, your dream, and even it’s in your life.

Thus, it’s all about a goal, a concise and complete goal for any activity she would like to do. There is another link to response for a connection to what a start has been given to her. To cope with the habit of a brief period of enthusiasm, the most indispensable is a clear and complete goal which the only way to cause this short-lived heat to be burned. 

Regarding the effective goal setting, you can read find further reading articles on how to set goals effectively as the following articles through my blog.

  • 10 Common Rules of An Effective Goal Setting
  • SMART, A Simple Effective Goal Setting Principle
  • What Are Your Obstacles to An Effective Goal Setting

Well Prepare Your Concise Action Plan

The first and second fire points are igniting. Now, it’s the turn how you keep it burning, your enthusiasm. Of course, along with your clear and complete goal, there is a concise action plan you have to well prepare it which allows you to go on the way you want as your original purpose. To work with your enthusiasm, and avoid your boring and feeling lazy on accomplishing the task, it’s important to equipped everything you need to fulfill your passion and commitment. Adhere to your belief and arrange away what you have expected definition of the success. Then you will never get rid of it so earlier as your brief period of enthusiasm. 

In addition to your passion and commitment to accomplishing the hobby, you’re interesting, the strong belief in your future, and look further about yourself in the near future when you have completed your goal. It might be three months, half-year, a year from now or longer than this time distance, what I will be, what will I can do, or what my life will be like something like that.

For example, at the first of the beginning of Japanese study if CM4 had planned it carefully with a clear goal and specific activity to get the achievable result that a year from now my Japanese language level will be in N5 or N4. Or, she just set it a bit smaller than just three months from now she would be able to remember and write all fifty syllabi of Hiragana and Katakana to form about 200 or 300 words in Japanese. It allows her to know what she should do or have to by each month of each week. In the planning here, it will be based on what you have set as your goal from your interest and then well prepare a concise action plan. As CM4 Japanese study, she has to break it down by day, week, month, and up to the three what she has her plan to meet the expected result.

Further detail about how to create an action plan or an effective one, you may read it in-deep in another such as how to build up a reliable plan, an effective 5W2H action plan, or more.

Make each task in your action plan visualizable and executable without thinking

However, here I have a small action onward what your plan is about. According to the above story, you can set up your schedule in detail with a piece of paper that clear about what and when you have to accomplish the task at a glance and post it wherever you are easy to reach or you can see it every day. Thus, you can know where you are on your plan. Then what you have to do you can keep in your notebook or obtain a to-do list every day of your execution. Through the way to visualize your daily activities, it reminds you of the time you can manage well in executing everything tasks in your day.

Anyway, you should be careful about how to give yourself a break or space to relax from your busy tasks in the schedule and don’t set huge tasks for the unavailability of accomplishing the time frame. When you’re setting the schedule you can consider well about that before you put it in each column of the activity. For instance, the requirement of task completion is too high, the task itself is also difficult to accomplish, and there are too many crucial tasks need to complete on the same. It’s completely tied up all your time to stick together and it’s too tiny availability to yourself and not fit your daily part. Thus, let’s try to set up a one-time task on your calendar. It’s rather than you have to accomplish it longer and you will spend more time and recourse to do especially avoid using your energy on it too much. When you cannot complete or go on the schedule for any time it’s easy to cause you bored and lazy to continue then give it up. You will become back to the brief period of enthusiasm again.

Besides you have arranged your tasks and schedule to meet your goal visually and executable, at each connection of one to another achievement or the breakdown goal, you can have a reward to yourself as the motivation. It’s thanks to your effort and encourages yourself to do more hard work and overcome another hardship from the next action list. That’s one of the continuous burning elements for your enthusiasm. 

To gain your persistent enthusiasm advantage

Last but not least, you also can take your brief period of Enthusiasm to gain your persistent enthusiasm advantage. You may feel bored about how to set the goal and plan it to visualizable and executable, and it looks too many things you have to think and take the action. But don’t be worried about it much, because you will be addicted during the first brief period of enthusiasm. You may don’t know too how powerful potential you will have at that time to overcome all hard to do what you want and interested in. And, it’s an advantage you can gain from the beginning. Thus, you still have deep enthusiasm, a lot of energy, and sufficient time, as early as possible to make these good preparation plans for your passion and progress to your goal. I believe that you can follow what I have explained to get rid of your brief period of enthusiasm habit and continue to build your first roadmap to your dream and realize it.

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