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It's always too early to quit. It's a good lesson to whom may not really have any confidence in him/herself. And, It's a good way to overcome your fear and weakness. The following is a story about.

It’s always too early to quit.

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It’s always too early to quit. It’s a good lesson to whom may not really have any confidence in him/her self. And, It’s a good way to overcome your fear and weakness. The following is a story about.

Many years ago, my house was near the stadium. Most of the weekend morning I have been there for jogging. I saw a girl about 7 or 8 years old who was learning to ride a bicycle. Perhaps, it was her first time to learn a ride, and she always fell down at that moment. Then I saw her father found a wooden stick and tied it at the bike back seat horizontally, and taught her to learn to ride it slower. When she had a stick to help and avoided fall down from the bike so she could feel safe to learn. An hour late when I was back there I saw her father started to untied the wooden and let her ride by herself. So this time she rode the bike with the wooden and the help from her father. Because of that, it made her more anxious and worried about falling down again. She rode a slight distance and it was tending to move unsteadily from the balance. At the time it’s wobbly to fall, finally, she stepped out her feet to the ground and hold on unless she would fall into the mud. Suddenly, her father said out louder to her that, “Please remember that, do not always rely on others for anything. Believe in yourself is the choice, especially when you’re facing a problem like this, lay your feet out to the ground and hold it on. You will never fall again.”

Of course, overcoming yourself is harder and more tiring than overcoming your opponents or obstacles. But the hardships or exhaustions are short-lived and are truly the victory in life. When we are determined and dare to take this step, come out like the girl in the story I told above and we will no longer be the frogs that will be Died in hot water due to the misconception from the beginning that the water would stay cold forever.

Please be well prepared for yourself and find some fit steps for you as follows.

  • Understand and clear well about your status quo, which is your current position, knowledge, skills, experiences, life, work, socialize, or else.
  • Distinct the obstacles you will face and what capability you can, and make sure not always seek help or easily let it in a comfort zone.
  • Must step out the hardest step by yourself first, and you won’t ever rely on anyone else.
  • Obtaining a clear goal will make your commitment strong.
  • Replace all bad habits or the habit that not really make a good effect to achieving your goals.
  • Motivation will make you all the always green effort and energic day.
  • Continuous learning and train yourself to strengthen and acquire more skills and knowledge that are up to date.

Last but not least, I hope that everyone is not always too early to quit or get rid of what you dream. And to remember that, a strong commitment could overcoming you and all obstacles. Be struggle, be successful in the future. To discover more about yourself this article may help you quickly to get on. A brief guide to discover the real ‘YOU’.

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