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Parenthood under Pressure: Being parents is not so easy as you imagine

Parenthood under Pressure: Being parents is not so easy as you imagine

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Being Parents is not So Easy as You Imagine

How much do you feel under pressure during parenthood?

A question from our author, Chamnoul.

Being parents is not so easy as you imagine. Many parents are struggling during their parenthood.  This is the simple thing that happened, even some parents already prepared, but they still struggle sometimes when the case happened out of their plan. We are generally struggling as below, but some may have more or different from these. Anyways, all these are sharing experience include the recommendation in case you meet similar cases.


  • Many parents are worried about the changing of the world and society that feel unsafely for their children
  • They worry about how to make sure of what the baby wants.
  • Too much worry about their child’s health and their daily eating
  • Feeling uncomfortable sending the child to school at very young age.
  • Worry the child can’t speak as other, or they can’t walk, can’t hear or can’t see
  • Feeling complicate to find the accessible hospital when their child gets sick


  • Budget planning for their child since they were pregnancy
  •  Planning for their child’s school from pre-school to university, including the major in university
  • Too much busy with taking care of the baby, working and housework
  • Less time to meet friend and family
  • Overload work and thinking, this is can be the cause of stressful
  • Too much angry if other people use the mocked word to their children
  • Don’t compare my child with yours, because my child is the best for me.
  • Feeling the fear and frustrated when their planning is failing
  • Less time for couple life


  • They are struggling to divide working and parenting
  • Feeling not concentrated to work if their child is sick at home
  • Sleepless at night make them lost concentration in their workplace.
  • Stress fullness.
  • Not interesting in the party

In parenthood, stress always appeared is normal. Some parents get it in a small amount, but some have much. Be control your stress, and should be remembered that you are not alone. Everything has its own solutions, just sometimes you hard to find it if you keeping yourself in the bad mood.

Don’t put much pressure on yourself; you should understand that “No parents are perfect”. You have you’re own responsibility to raise your child in your possible way, and other people also did theirs. The important thing you should do is be healthy and positive thinking. Healthy can help you to focus on your point correctly. And positively is helps you to get for many solutions and reduce lots of stress.

Take care of yourself first and do it with your child next. How come when you make yourself going down, but you wish to raise your child perfectly? The first priority is helping yourself relax, even you have only one minute, please keep it for relaxing. What are your habits for relaxing? Anything is ok, except thinking too much or keeping yourself in a bad mood. You can listen to music, or meditation, Yoga is not bad and also healthy, or do you want to have a short trip with the family? Or reading the books really peaceful or sometimes planting is fun.

Be positive in your life and your routine living. Set the rule to your children that make them feel safe and respectful. Believe in your children because you are the role model for them to follow, they will not much change even the world is going changing.

Do not allow your frustration and your stresses coming into your life. Talk it to your partner, family, friend or co-worker, anyone who can share the experience and help you from this bad mood. You can try to make more special for yourself rather than keeping yourself alone.

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