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Second Quarter, This month My Feeling is Better

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At this 4th month I would say my feeling is better. Three months at first, I feel I am living in the bad mood. No eating but vomit every day and time. How can I live? Lots of impossible thing happened with pregnancy woman. My belly started change. I had changed my favorite eating. The delicious food for me is sweet fruit. They are mango, durian, watermelon, banana and so many other sweet fruit. When some friend asked me, would you like sour fruit? I will say no, thank you. Every pregnancy woman is having difference favorite eating. Some of them like sour, but for me is no. The bad habit I have is I was hungry every 4am in the morning. I can’t sleep if I don’t eat. So, my husband accompanies me until I finish my eating. However, my husband not really likes this habit but I told him this is not mind, but his baby want. He completely believes me because normally I never get up at 4am for eating. This is the crazy reason but acceptable.

From now on you are feels completely better, no morning sick anymore. Aw… the baby is kicks you, do you feel? If you don’t feel it, please go to check with the doctor because it is abnormal happen with the pregnancy woman. I am talked to my baby, honey please stop kick me for a while because I am in the meeting. You may not believe. This is the real magic. This is the conversation between baby and mother. The baby is stopping kicking me. This time, I spent lots time for searching the information related to the food for pregnancy woman, what they can do and can’t do. I can feel that my baby is knows on what I am doing and thinking.

From this month, I spend 15minuts per day for walking. I walked lots and talked lots everyday with my baby. He is very naughty in my belly. He kicks me when he hungry. He moved lots. He can keep silent only when he sleeps. Do you know how much I want to see him? My husband and I start to find the name for him. This is so funny; we use more than 2 dictionaries for his name. And finally we can get his name which we think fit to him. I called his name and tell him, this is your name baby.

Baby kick is starting hard for you right now because the baby starting bigger and bigger day by day. You are hard to breathe (shortness of breath). You are dyspnea some times. You completely show up your belly. It is bigger. You will feel terrible when everyone mention about it. But you are happy some times. You are sleeping very hard and peed very often. Oh, no you are looks fat because you eat lots. Most of the foods are delicious. You can’t control your feeling to stop eating. If your husband tells you to reduce eating, you will angry. Yes, you will cry and you sad if you can’t eat what you want. The routine question you will ask to your husband is “Am I fat? Am I ugly? I look so dark” and your husband will say “No… You look so beautiful and fresh. Don’t care with other word. They are jealous” You are known this is lying but you still happy. This is crazy funny.

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