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The Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO)
The Art of Non-Ostentatious

The Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO)

(Read in 3 minutes)

“Choose a life of action, not one of ostentation.”

The key theme of this topic, the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO) for my blog, is all about the non-ostentatious life. It can be defined as “a man enriched a man indeed” or “a need for self-enrichment in practical life, concentrate on (positively), and get work done.

Once, in the evening I had walked to a stadium near my house for exercise. I was walking up onto the tribunes of the main sports complex and wandering around the same as every time I have been there. Perhaps, it’s not just everyone but including me might not pay attention to what various people were doing over there. They came with different purposes and might be distinct. Some people were there for dating, and some people for sightseeing. Some people came for their destiny mate, and for many various reasons besides more aging people attempted for real exercise. 

That’s a subtle thing passing in our daily movement, yet it is shown something significant for consideration. It might be I or you have been in any or all various people above before. But I wish to be the last reason is better. Because of the actual reason for the stadium just for health and doing exercise or jogging around with not an ostentatious movement or reason. It is just simply doing exercise.

For instance, when you go out for the purpose of dating or finding an ideal mate so that your dressing and appearance. It will be different by makeup yourself well to make attraction, and sometime it might be disguised as even not yourself as usual. In contrast, you are not for dating or finding a loved one and just simply for an exercise but come out with a huge of things to do before heading out. Most of your time will spend on something like choosing your dress color, makeup, and dressing up. Or, how to behave for attraction, what to keep with, and so many things then eventually just take some walks and consume the time. 

Likewise, you cannot be focusing on the main task to achieve your goal. There are many things that many people spending most of their time on unrelated things to success. It is likely that a lady goes for jogging with her high heel shoes. It might be the reality, but how you can imagine that is possible, isn’t it? Otherwise, when you more focus on the main tasks that accomplish your goal and get rid of all ostentatious things. You will find yourself more enable to make more magic things happen. Spend most of the time in your day to achieve what it is meaningful or worth to you and to make your dream come true timely.

Surely, your day will be perfect in getting all tasks done well and manageable. Then you will not say that again, there are many things to do in a day, and you have no time to accomplish all those things. What is a bustling day make me a so damn hustling?! If you have read a dozen of time management or goal setting books in order to solve those problems. By breaking down to specific, manageable, and measurable, and then why it didn’t work. Yet, it is because you are not making it as simple as a non-ostentatious thing, and your day still not the day you want.

Actually, I was also sinking into that trap of ostentation and found nothing to be done day by day.  That’s why I try to find something to help myself, and maybe to other people indeed of this need for help. So the key theme of this topic, the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO) for my blog, is all about the non-ostentatious life. It can be defined as “a man enriched a man indeed” or “a need for self-enrichment in practical life, concentrate on (positively), and get work done. (踏实做人,充实自我,专心于是,万事皆成。)” In which to live actively, be self-enrichment on, positive empowerment, and make things happen in a meaningful life. Then share it, and everyone values it!!

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And more… at Welcome Notes

If you are interested to see the specific features of my BLOG (ANO) in What else about my BLOG and its Features? And all articles of the theme in practice, you can look through the following for a while. Or, check out the details in articles by clicking on the links contained in, throughout my BLOG. You might like it, or you might not, and that’s okay too.

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