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Previously, my friend have narrated me a story about life and success. The point is focus on WHAT DO I WANT TO DO, and he shared me an article to read as our food of thought. Then I found that it is so important for us to understand about the things we want and do it for our life and succeed. So I would like to share with the full mean it through the article as follows.

Yesterday I have been invited as a guest speaker in a workshop, “ALL ABOUT LIFE”. I was supposed to share my life experience there to younger generation.

I told the crowded that the only point of success is to know what you really want to do, and do it. Suddenly there was a young man, raised his hand and asked me a question of success that, “how can I know what I want?” Everybody was in silent, either me.

I stood up and said. There is no such a thing as something for nothing. You know why, because every piece of thing in this world is created for a reason; no matter how the reasons are. Even Buddha said Nature created negative post to gain better for positive post. Nature can’t give all the best to people.

Whether now you don’t realize that what really want to do, so keep doing varieties things in your life; including things you don’t like and things you think you like. Before, I wish I want to have a career as an engineer. Then now I became a businessman. Everybody laughed, yes they laughed because my willing and what I really am is too far from each other. I have changed my mind from being an engineer since the first semester I took at ITC. I realized that was not what I want. Then I have changed to Law with RULE. I still didn’t recognized what I want. Until the last one was that quit the school and started a small business in my hometown in 1994. I failed the business, and came to Phnom Penh again to be a part time teacher. I have so many people, talked so many topics, involved in so many things, did so many projects, and made so many friends… All about so many things I have done, without any clear objectives; but my goal is to make my life better for others. This should be everybody’s goal. I said to them that, once I realized that in those loads of things I have been through, there is one thing that I always delighted to do and everybody acknowledged that it is my expertise is Analysis. I could do it much better than other with fewer raw data. So yes, the conclusion point is, doing as much as unclear things you could then at least you will find one.

That young man, again, asked my permission and excused for interrupting my story tales. He asked, “How much time I need to spent for those unclear things I do? As you know that we can’t control our life period.” This was the best clear cut question ever. Of course we can’t control our life ages, but we can control what we are going to do during that age. There was another story about a young lady who was forced to marry an older man. She can’t do anything and her whole life was stuck in that painful moment. What if you imagine she ran away, and start her life alone somewhere else? Of course, bad thing might happen to her, but what if she can live her life on her own choices and can do more than she chose to live with unwanted marriage life? She might probably can find someone she loves and make a better living. Who knows?

This was all what I have told on my path way to here. Another moment of true, a young lady raised her hand with a doubtful question that, “What if I can’t do lots of things, but one? And what if my society doesn’t give me chance to do those things I want?” Then I asked her, “What road did you take to this conference venue?” She said, “Monivong blvd.!”;“What if after lunch you take Norodom blvd.?”. I know that her answer would be, “for what?” because taking different way will take more times and not wasteful. But you know what my key of success, I might know what happen in Monivong today, either in Norodom; more or less. If I took only one way, I will never know the other and stick with my existing one unconditionally. I might love taking Norodom because I love the trees and wider road, although it is a little bit further than taking Monivong. THE MORE YOU TRY, THE MORE YOU LEARN; THEN YOU WILL PICK ONE. So my message is that, don’t just keep doing the thing you usually do. Try different ways, you might like the new one.

This is how I could come here and share to you guys. The reason is not because I am older and have loads more experiences, but because I know what I want to do and I really do it. In sum up, there is no such a thing as something for nothing. Although you have done so many unnecessary things, they are not for nothing. They will be for something, even not for now but one day soon.

Hope that this short article will help motivate you a wider path way to walk, and keep walking for a better way. You are the one who own your future, not Buddha. Blessed!

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