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7 Facebook Marketing Features Help Small Business Accelerates in Digital Marketing

7 Facebook Marketing Features Help Small Business Accelerates in Digital Marketing

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The Market in Digital Platform at a Glance

Not just about the developed countries all around the world using the internet or digital to help rapid growth of their business, the businesses in Cambodia also getting started to an adaption to this change in recent years, especially for small businesses and the startup. And, the digital marketing platform that very useful in this country is putting the businesses to Facebook Marketing, which is the powerful marketing tool that every small business or startup can gain their advantages for the competitive and affordable cost of the marketing budget. 

As of the earlier of 2019, there are about 2.2 billion active users in Facebook and 1.3 billion users active in the Facebook messenger, it’s according to Infographic Courtesy of, the most famous social network worldwide in 2019. And, there are about 7.8 million Facebook users in Cambodia, which is calculated as of about 46% of the whole country population by the same year ( Among the 7.8 M users, the largest group of 3.6 million users aged around 25 to 34 which is the potential targets for most of the businesses in Cambodia. In order to grab up to opportunity or the target market more effective, the marketer or the business runner should be aware of the 7 Facebook marketing features help small business accelerates in digital marketing as follows. 

Facebook Active Users Data from and (2019)

Feature #1. Facebook Messenger Chatbot – The Auto-Response Feature of Facebook Messenger Marketing

The most used feature of Facebook marketing to engage with the customers’ preference is the Chatbot, which means it helps the businesses build up the instant response or automatically interact with the customers by the well-programmed of the all contents of the product/service indeed to their in need inquiry. To do this with a belief that, it helps customers purchase decisions in time and can increase the sales point quicker than the delay response which just makes the customers get rid of their mind of the interest in need or want of the product or service. In brief, the Chatbot Marketing is able to retain the customers’ interest and turn into more actions of buying behavior, instantly.

The Auto-Response Feature of Facebook Messenger Marketing

Feature #2. UX Personalization – Leverage the Unique Selling Point and Unitizing Your Marketing Content for Personalized Experience 

Facing the various types of marketing ads, people may feel annoy a lot with the ad contents and almost get rid of the product or service. It causes the businesses or marketers to do more effort in generating personalized content as well as the unique selling point of the product or service to meet the user personalizing experiences. So, you have to go throw the flow of product/service, marketing content, message delivery, and more marketing materials which involving in this kind of digital marketing process, for example, in the Facebook ads to reach your target audiences and attend their interest in your product/service to turning their behaviors enter into the purchasing action. To help with this Facebook ad design for the digital marketing process, you should refer to read the 7 things you should know before creating your Facebook Ad.

Unitizing Your Marketing Content for Personalized Experience

Feature #3. Using Video Post to Make the Engagement More Happens

Since there is plenty of videos to be able to post on the social media platform, it’s more helpful to customers to learn more about every single product or service from the business. With this video support posting, the businesses also are able to live many things through the streams that make a great view and attract the customers engaging more details of the product or service which assist them the faster of purchase decision making in time. It wouldn’t like the last time that using the images with the posting text to convey the very limit message to the audiences and it’s difficult to attract them well with powerful persuasion like the videos, which is perfect like magic. However, it’s effective either containing videos or not depending on what and how you will use it to spread your value to customers.

Using Video Post to Make the Engagement More Happens

Feature #4. 24 Hours Visible Facebook Stories

Besides posting with text, images, and videos, there is another potential feature that has been developed on Facebook. Get through this feature, it allows us to share another thing as our stories in the Facebook stories from a brief period of time, visible in 24 hours. It’s becoming popular by wide-spreading among the younger audiences who intently to show up themselves more visible, presentable, and in the quicken way. The businesses may use it to boost such the audiences for their brand awareness, quicken way to introduce the new products, or whatever else going within the areas of the business. When the business is adding the stories even can be in images or videos to update the real-time information instantly to the audiences, and then they will be made aware of the posting stories regularly, which can encourage them to tune in more often and watch the up-to-date of the business.

Facebook Stories Samples

Feature #5. How the doing Facebook Marketing Influence from One-to-Another 

The Influencer Marketing, yes, of course, it does more effectiveness influence to one-to-one by the Influencers. In one of the traditional marketing we have often practiced in the marketing promotion that calls word of mouth advertising, now it’s also applied through the social digital media platform like Facebook via the influenced figures who have their own actual true fans. It’s a good way to refine your strategy to marketing your brand and niche which matches to the influencers who will be the powerful marketing tool for your business. Of course, without trust, they won’t get attention, interact, or even recommend to friends or other people, so their true fans will do that help to share and influence to the other audiences more about your stories, niche, and brand. In short, the belief and interest are coming firstly from that someone trusted on someone else, and the one can be influencing other people is the influencer you have refined for your business, niche, stories, and brand.

How the doing Facebook Marketing Influence from One-to-Another

Feature #6. Social Commerce – The Application of Commerce in Social Media Platform

By the increasing of online shops in the current years, this kind of application of social media platforms with commerce sites, which means it’s a lead your audiences to visit and purchase products from your online commerce site. The commerce site where your products listed, showcase, further learning and compare about products, and payment process. It’s a quick way that allows the audiences or your customers to process the purchase instantly when their decision making is made. However, in the Facebook platform now integrated the commercial purchase and payment process inside. There is not just the marketing tool or marketplace of your target customers is in, but there is also a featured checkout process after leading them from the sponsored ad within the platform. It’s an easy way for small businesses and startup reduces their time and resources on outing more platforms for single sales. Which, they can do marketing and selling their products much easier and more profitable. Because most of the local businesses are slowing in jumping from one platform to another platform at the same time, they mostly require ease of usage, stable for the long-run, and mobilized via smartphone everywhere is the most preferable.

The Application of Commerce in Social Media Platform

Feature #7. From Facebook Group/Community to User-Generated Content

The Facebook group, you maybe know about that, but you aren’t aware of how it provides the benefit to your brand and business as well. It’s like a community, where the customers can raise up their voices to the business, and the business also can spread up their own promotion content to the user-generated content. Of course, to business, the most benefit is the user-generated content. By using this way, you also can generate the mini-influencers as many as available in your community you build on Facebook. You provide them some benefits such as the discount and let them allow your business to use their content for the marketing promotion. However, to leverage the minimize influencers especially in building this kind of community is not so easy and needs time to grow along with them as a way of mini size influencer marketing in a community group of Facebook.

From Facebook Group/Community to User-Generated Content

Final Thought

All in all, there are several ways to leverage the medium of marketing promotion in social media platform with the 7 Facebook marketing features help small business accelerates in digital marketing, which are the new trends of using Facebook as a Marketing Tool for these recent years and in the near future. By these advanced features, it allows every business, especially the small and startup to keep up profits and growth within the marketplace and the practice of digital marketing platform throughout the foreseeable years of the business is in.

For further reading regarding the Facebook Ad, please refer to, the advantage of Facebook Ad.

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