Welcome Notes

Don't compare yourself with anyone in this world,
if you do so, you're insulting yourself. (Bill Gates)

Message from the WebsiteBlog's Publisher and Author

“If you never do it, you won’t ever know how much it is possible.”

— TE Sivann


Hallo! I am Sivann. Welcome to SIVANN.COM. I designed and developed the website. I am writing this blog, it’s all about just a simple journey of my life.

My ‘first-ten-year’ was instantly and over, but the next quest for another ‘ten-year’ of mine is just getting started. 2019, and it has taken a quarter of the time. What’s my challenge there’s still myself, 2020. There requires a real step-up to rebuild the way I want. To create another room for my strength way to move forward for my dreams. Make it, it’s my reality and not just a dream. See more about me.

Along the way of my journey of life, there are many things I have to learn and develop by myself for growing. And I have found this subtle thing of life which passing our daily moment, and it is shown something significant for consideration. So, I have defined it as one of the key themes of my website/blog. The key theme of this topic, the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO), a room for ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

And, it’s all about the saying, “choose a life of action, not one of the ostentation.” It is all about non-ostentatious life. The core value and meaning of the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO) can be defined as “a man enriched a man indeed” or “a need for self-enrichment in practical life, concentrate on (positively), and get work done.

Of course, the purpose of the website/blog is to share the story about how to live a simple life ordinarily doing remarkable things to help other people and self through defining, activating, and achieving personal goals. In brief, choose a life of action, not one of ostentation, which focuses on core parts of my life, and regarding things in all of my experiences, knowledge, skills, and more. It’s categorized into personal development, career, business, startup, ET CETERA, which are what I still keep learning. You may read my welcome notes before exploring the whole of the blog, it’s better to help you learn more about how to use my articles and resources to improve in any area you want.

All of the writings on my website are written in the common sense of English, as I am not a native and try to write it as the foreign language I have learned. It is presented freely with dozen of thousands of ideas come to me based on my knowledge and experiences, or it can be said that what I have ever been in before, which is mine to be like. Somewhat, the thing I am trying lately and not sure whether success or not.

If you like it and would like to support me, please help share it with your friends or pass it on to someone who might be interested.

Best Regards,

Years Experience

I am Sivann, who developed this website, and I do as a Blogger & Content Writer / Web & Marketing Innovator. You can get to know about me further by reading in my profile or the rest contents in the website. Nice to see you, welcome!

To realize my beautiful dream, I have to withstand the psychological endurance of various kinds of setbacks in addition to having the necessary knowledge and talents. It’s not just about dreams, but it’s the goals to make my life.

Something you may find fascinating in the Art of Non-Ostentatious, where is a room for everyone to grow. Then I am here to help you and we grow together. With the essence of philosophy & disciplines to fine your solutions.

The key theme of this topic for my blog, the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO), is all about the non-ostentatious life. It can be defined as “a need of self-enrichment in practical life, concentrate on, get more work done. Enjoy it.

There are about the essence of the philosophy of the world-famous quotes and some must-to disciplines that I think I should follow, to consider, and it may help me grow more or make extremely different.

Everyone may differ from each other, but we may have the same monsters in mind and they’re very very small we may careless about. Be yourself superhero, defeat all little monsters on a road to your dream, be your own life.

As you may be seen or read in my philosophy and the article about the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO), where the purpose and meaning of my BLOG to write about. The features are more detailed about what I have written you may like.

Subtle things passing in our daily movement, yet it is shown something considerable significant. It might be ignored those small things in life, but it useful to define & refine the essence of philosophy or disciplines for myself.

“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” (Abraham Lincoln). In life, the most enemy is yourself and the most person you’d love to find & understand also yourself, I mean the real YOU. Here is some experience of mine to challenge, explore myself & my dream.