My Days My Quotes

My Days My Words

(Read in < 1 minute) Subtle things passing in our daily movement, yet it is shown something considerable significant. It might be ignored those small things in life, but it useful to define & refine the essence of philosophy or disciplines for myself.

My Days My Quotes

My Days My Quotes

(Read in 3 minutes) There are about the essence of the philosophy of the world-famous quotes and some must-to disciplines that I think I should follow, to consider, and it may help me grow more or make extremely different.

The Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO)
The Art of Non-Ostentatious

The Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO)

(Read in 3 minutes) The key theme of this topic, the Art of Non-Ostentatious (ANO) for my blog, is all about the non-ostentatious life. It can be defined as “a man enriched a man indeed” or “a need of self-enrichment in a practical life, concentrate on (positively), and get work done.

Hello friends!

(Read in < 1 minute) Welcome to my site SIVANN-DOT-COM. Firstly, thank you so much for visiting me. Thank you for visiting my website. I hope I can share more useful information, experiences, and others ...