
The Essence of Philosophy in The Art of Non-ostentatious

The Essence of PhilosophyDisciplines in The Art of Non-ostetatious

If you never do it, you won’t ever know how much it is possible.

The essence of philosophy I follow is about:

The essence of my philosophy as follows:

Adhere to your ideal, firmly believe your future, strongly determine your action, and passionately realize your dream.
坚持理想,坚信未来,坚强行动,坚定实现梦想。(TE Sivann)
No matter how wonderful your idea is, if you cannot make it happens, it is still a dream, not your reality.
无论你的想法是多么的美妙,当你无法把它实现的时候,它仍然是个梦,而不是你的现实。 (TE Sivann)
Once you adhere to your passion and strong commitment, you will never, never, ever give it up. (TE Sivann)
LOVE, is a kind of persistent and belief, to change your LIFE. So, please try to care and love more people around you. (TE Sivann)
Happiness, it is not getting all what you want. Yet, it is enjoying all what you have. (TE Sivann)

The Disciplines that make extremely differentiate

The 5 disciplines that make the extremely differentiate, I have learned from work (Ken MATSUMURA), previously.

Bright-Vivid-Humble (明・元・素)
Focus Here and Now
Be Your Teacher
Observe What You Said
Never, Never, Ever Give Up

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