Life Is a Series of Commas Not Periods

At the beginning of life, it’s decided what we will be and face as it is a natural rule, happy and sad, sweet and sour, up and down, worth and worse, etc. which called natural state, and all lives are the same.

Then we start to connect ourselves with others and try to earn and get benefit for living and surviving. Everything we do or tend to do is about selves, and it called utility state of life. And everyone mostly right ahead only in this state, and rarely get into the next called Moral realm which always think about public and other people first rather than selves. Finally, World realm is the last state that possible to be in life, and this time everything is nothing for us. To be a person who have whatever one’s heart desires; do as one pleases.

Life is a series of commas, not periods. It is made up of small pleasures. With each sunrise, we start anew. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

All My Special Day, Just SomethingsSomeonesSomewhereand Else Have Been in My Timeline

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